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P r e s i d e n t M e s s a g e
Things made possible only by HUFS, they have already begun
Since its founding in 1954, HUFS has consistently served as a global pacesetter and been a driving force in
establishing Korea¡¯s presence in the international community and achieving economic growth. Our footprints
around the world speak for themselves of our success and achievements. In the 21st century, change is fast-
paced, borders are being torn down and countries are growing closer. The things HUFS needs to do and things
that only HUFS can do are constantly increasing.
In the 21st century, not a day goes by without worldwide changes and international politics on the Korean
Peninsula are shifting quickly. Today¡¯s society no longer wants people who just have a university diploma. In the
knowledge and information society of the 21st century, you need to become a competent international leader
with ambitious vision, creative imagination, fluent foreign language skills and a sophisticated international
mindset in addition to profound knowledge in your area of specialization.
In order to cultivate the talented human resources needed by society, today and in the future, HUFS is doing
its best to create new education systems and methodologies instead of being content with its present success.
The foreign language program at HUFS began with 5 languages in 1954. Today, it has expanded to 45
languages. Combined with studies in humanities, social sciences and natural science, HUFS is producing global
leaders with future competitiveness. A great many students are building their future at top overseas universities
through student exchange and study abroad programs. Some are realizing their dreams of becoming diplomats
through internships at Korean overseas diplomatic missions. In addition, we promote the unlimited growth
of a wide range of dreams by building a true global network through our third campus at Incheon Songdo,
campuses at major overseas locations, the UN University for Peace and the joint degree program.
The German philosopher Hegel said, ¡°Nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion.¡±
Passion is the driving force that changes this world. It is also a privilege for young people. For passion to bear
fruit, it requires a future-oriented vision and plan.
We, HUFS, are ready to provide you with this vision and plan.
At HUFS, as long as they are backed with passion and will, all dreams will be materialized. We are wide open
to young people who are not content to be complacent with the present, who want to take the international
stage and who are ambitious enough to respond to the world¡¯s challenges.
Park Chul, Ph.D
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies

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