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79ÆäÀÌÁö º»¹®½ÃÀÛ

tip6 >> Study of Foreign Languages
How to
I¡¯m a student of Education Department
not recommend studying English by watching
not trying to say that you should all go abroad
majoring in English Education. I second major
American dramas when you are a beginner.
for studying. I recommend making it a daily
in English Interpretation and Translation. Now
Instead, I would recommend reading easy
life to use the language. Since it¡¯s a language,
your reaction would be ¡°Oh, you must be good
books or journals or essays in the magazine.
it is very likely to be fading away if you do
at English!¡± Well, I¡¯m not trying to boast about
This way, you can learn proper English.
not use it on a daily basis. Even with your
myself here but my response would be ¡°YES,
Second, use only one languageat a time
mother language, it is true. I¡¯ve seen many
I am good¡± or ¡°fluent enough to be considered
whether it¡¯s English or Korean. What I mean
foreigners staying in Korea for long and
as a native by my friends.¡±Yet, I can never be
is that it is important not to mix your mother
did not get to use their language much and
a native speaker. In fact, it is not always the
tongue and the language you want to learn.
sometimes have trouble remembering some
case that natives know and use their language
For example, you¡¯re talking in English and
words in their own languages.
in a perfect manner. Therefore, my point is you
you forgot or do not remember a certain word
should stop pushing yourself so hard to be like
and you just express in Korean. Even though
In short, it is always essential to know
ÀÌ½Â¾Æ (¿µ¾î±³À°°ú 09)
a native speaker with perfect English. I¡¯m quite
you¡¯re not sure or you do not know how to
the proper or efficient ways of learning a
sure every Korean dreams of communicating
say something, you should never end up using
language. We¡¯re living in the world where
fluently with foreigners when they encounter
your own language. Or else, the range of
all different nations are connected and
them on the street. Yet, Koreans are often too
your language spectrum will be limited and
knowing second and third language became
afraid of making a mistake.I personally believe
narrowed. Then it is never good for either of
prerequisite. With the development of the
that is the biggest problem of Koreans when it
the languages. Third, record your voice if you
Internet technology, you have so many
comes to learning English. Since language is
want to have good pronunciation. Koreans
methods to study the language. Now, you
something that is presented orally, it is normal
are quite worried about pronunciation as they
should know how and when. Otherwise, 12
to be very shy but that¡¯s on a lame excuse.
are Asians and there are many sounds that
years of English education in school is no use.
You cannot pick up a language over a night. It
do not exist in Asian languages. English for
Enjoy learning a new language and your life
requires a lot of efforts and time. There are so
example is very much about intonation, stress
will be so much more fun!
many different ways to learn English. Based
and accent. Many people try to listen to native
on my own experience, I¡¯d like to givesome
speakers talk. This is of course important but
important tips for learning the language.
you need to go one step further from there. I
recommend listening to your own voice after
First, start watching American drama only
you record your speaking. For example, you
after you reach intermediate level. In other
can listen to an anchor reading an article and
words, when you are at the beginning level of
you read the article out loud and record your
learning a language, watching American drama
voice. It¡¯s always awkward to listen to your
is not recommendable. A lot of Koreans indeed
own voice through the device. But, it is very
study English through watching American
helpful because you get to compare your own
dramas because they find it both education
speaking and the native speaking. It is a good
and entertaining. Yet, people often times end
way to be a 3rd person and judge objectively.
up enjoying only the story. Also, people pick
Lastly, I want to point out that language is
up slangs or bad words from the language the
all about repetition. In other words, when
natives use. You can adopt colloquial language
you are to adopt a new language, you should
from natives much faster and easier when your
constantly be exposed to the environment
English level reaches to certain level. Thus, I do
where you use the language all the time. I¡¯m

79ÆäÀÌÁö º»¹®³¡

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