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Y o n g i n C a m p u s
Division of International Sports
The home of majors in Computer Science and Engineering, Information Communications Engineering,
Electronics Engineering, Digital Information Engineering, and the Industrial and Management Engineering
& Leisure
Division, the College of Information and Industrial Engineering creates synergy between IT-related
departments, including electronics, computer engineering, information and communication, automation
and systems engineering, and offers a specialized educational environment. Through the most up-to-date
curriculum and thorough classes by young and competent faculty with abundant experience in the field,
students gain both practical high-tech knowledge and field adaptability.
Key Figures Influencing the International Sports Market
College of Engineering
The Division of International Sports and Leisure at HUFS was newly opened in
2007 to promote related industries by producing globalized specialists in the planning
and management of sports and leisure, increase sports and leisure enthusiasts and
contribute to expanding sound recreational activities for people today. In order to
meet these needs, the Division of International Sports and Leisure aims at developing
key leaders who will play a crucial role in raising the stature of the Korean sports
industry on the international stage, including international sports marketing experts
& diplomats and administrative experts. The curriculum is designed systematically
to produce professionals with advanced knowledge in planning and management
Information & Industry Building
of sports and leisure based on outstanding foreign language skills and international
mindsets, which are features of HUFS.
Future-oriented Talent for Continued Evolution
Computer Science and Information
Cultivating International Sports and Leisure Marketing Experts | Business and marketing experts in
Communications?Engineering Division
The College of Information and Industrial Engineering introduced the Engineering
international sports and leisure markets, such as professional agents, Specialists in sports and leisure
Computer Science and Engineering
Certification System, a program for objectively evaluating the quality of engineering
Information Communications Engineering
consulting and media, Sports leisure consultant for sports and leisure-related public relations Reporters
or anchors specializing in sports and leisure for media
education, ahead of the rest and focuses on developing international engineering
Electronics Information Engineering Division
leaders. The Computer Science and Engineering, which introduced the KEC
Electronics Engineering
Digital Information Engineering
2005 Engineering Certification, cultivates software developers who can continue
to innovate and improve themselves. The Digital Information Engineering, which
Industrial and Management Engineering Division
Industrial Information Engineering
pursues all fields of engineering, including basic natural sciences, also introduced the
Industrial Systems Engineering
Engineering Certification and is making all-out efforts to produce future-oriented
personnel for tomorrow¡¯s industry. In particular, it focuses on ¡°embedded system
Open Major Divisions(Humanities &
development,¡± which will draw much attention in the ubiquitous technology society.
Social Studies, Science & Engineering)
Introducing the Engineering Education Certification in 2006, the Electronics
Engineering aims at developing electronics engineering experts who will lead high-
tech development. Meanwhile, the Information Communications Engineering
focuses on the future-oriented architect to cultivate engineers with international
perspectives. In addition, the Industrial and Management Engineering Division
introduced a curriculum to develop professionals with expertise in industrial
Challenges Toward a Unique Future and Competitiveness!
management and business, industrial systems, and process optimization, all required
The Open Major Divisions(Humanities & Social Studies, Science & Engineering)
by tomorrow¡¯s high-tech industries.
encourage students to discover their full potential and possibilities for themselves
and chart their own course to bring glory to the future of Korea. The curriculum
assists students to explore their own paths by allowing them to select and build their
Selected Two Consecutive Years for the NEXT Project by the Institute for Information Technology
JoongAng Ilbo 2008.10
Advancement | The College of Engineering has been selected two consecutive years for the NEXT
future through direct and indirect experiences in a wide range of academic fields and
(Nurturing EXcellent engineers in information Technology) Project, an initiative by the Institute for Information
areas of society. Students select their major fields at the beginning of the second year.
Technology Advancement to enhance educational competitiveness in IT fields. In 2006, the Department of
Computer Science and Engineering and the Department of Industrial Systems Engineering were selected,
Their range of choices has been broadened to include all departments available at
and each will be funded with 800 million won in four years (200 million won each year). The Department
Yongin Campus. The only restriction in selection is a separation between Humanities
of Digital Information Engineering and Department of Electronics Engineering, selected in 2007, will be
& Social Studies and Science & Engineering.
provided with 800 million won (200 million won per year) and 600 million won (150 million per year) over four
years, respectively. With government support totaling 3 billion won from 2006 through 2010, the College of
Engineering secured a stepping stone in becoming a central hub for cultivating IT specialists.
R.CUBE ? a Business Start-up Student Club by Digital
Cultivating International Sports and Leisure
Information Engineering
Marketing Experts

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