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Y o n g i n C a m p u s
The College of Central and Eastern European Studies consists of the Department of Russian, Department
The College of Languages and Literature consists of the Department of French, Department of Portuguese
of Polish, Department of Romanian, Department of Czech and Slovak Studies, Department of Hungarian
and Brazilian Studies, Department of Greek and Bulgrian Studies, Department of Indian Studies, Department
and Department of South Slavic Studies and Department of Ukrainian Studies. It is Korea¡¯s best and only
of Central Asian Studies and African Studies Division. The curriculum is designed for students to enhance
educational institution in Eastern European studies. As a home to many Eastern European experts, it leads
perspectives on overseas areas and sophisticated language skills through classes conducted by native-
the development of Eastern European studies in Korea and promotes the differentiated future value of
speaking professors. It also has courses in major fields for students to deepen academic knowledge in the
individual students.
areas of their interest.
College of Central & East European Studies
College of Languages and Literature
Language and Literature Building
Language and Literature Building
Beginning of Central and Eastern European Studies in Korea
Global Leaders in Language and Cultural Content
Department of Russian
Department of French
Department of Polish
Department of Portuguese and Brazilian Studies
In Korea, the studies on Eastern Europe began in 1987 with the opening of the
The College of Languages and Literature cultivates human resources that are
Department of Romanian
Department of Greek and Bulgarian Studies
Department of Eastern European Studies. The Department of Romanian is a
capable and creative in serving the cause of social justice as a globalized Korean.
Department of Czech and Slovak Studies
Department of Indian Studies
Department of Hungarian
Department of Central Asian Studies
leader in Romanian studies, while the Department of Polish is at the forefront of
Its ultimate goal is to develop global leaders with creative intelligence, active and
Department of South Slavic Studies
the dissemination and research of Polish studies in Korea. The Department of
inquiring personality, a reasonable mind, and international perspective on the field of
Department of Ukrainian Studies
African Studies Division
East African Studies
Czech and Slovak Studies is a center point for the Czech and Slovak languages and
language and cultural content in this high-tech information era.
West African Studies
literature and the Department of Hungarian is a mecca for Hungarian language
The curriculum nurtures personalities and educates understanding of humanity
South African Studies
and literature studies as well as in developing regional experts. The Department of
through languages and literature. It also improves the logical thinking, imagination
South Slavic Studies is known to have the best faculty in the field. The Department
and creativity of students to help them develop into the kind of qualified professionals
of Ukrainian Studies was created the first at HUFS. The College of Central and East
required in this era of globalization and localization.
European Studies at HUFS is a focal point for cultivating experts on Central and
Eastern Europe and has secured a firm position as a leading institution in Central
and Eastern European studies in Korea.
Support by the President of Romania | With visits by the President of Romania Traian Basescu in 2005 and
the President of University of Bucharest in 2006, HUFS has gained significant support from the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Education and Research of Romania
East European Studies
Visit by the President of Romania
African Studies
Foreign Literature Studies
Invitation Lecture by Kazakhstan Ambassador to Korea

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