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Center for Foreign Language
contributing to the development of Korea¡¯s
through creative research on modern humanities.
and Literature Research
Institute of History and Culture
relationship with Latin American countries and
fostering regional experts.
The Institute of History and Culture serves as a
Institute of Foreign Language Education
Institute of EU Studies
venue for the comparative study of Korea and
The Institute of Foreign Language Education is
T h e I n s t i t u t e o f E U S t u d i e s c a r r i e s o u t
other regions in the world as well as the study of
Korean history. It helps maintain and develop the
improving and developing various theories and
c o m p r e h e n s i v e r e s e a r c h o n d o m e s t i c
practices more systematically and efficiently
circumstances of the EU countries, relationships
unique attributes and image of HUFS as a mecca
of area studies.
in respect of teaching and learning of foreign
between the EU countries following the integration
of Europe, and their activities in each area
Institute for Communication and Information
Institute of Foreign Literature
The Institute for Communication and Information
according to such relationships.
The Institute of Foreign Literature promotes
East European and Balkan Institute
contributes to academic and practical research
and the professional education business
re s e a rc h o n f o re i g n l i t e r a t u re , a c a d e m i c
The Eastern European and Balkan Institute
conferences, translation works, publications, and
conducts research on the humanities and social
concer ning communication, a field where
numerous academic tasks remain to be done.
academic exchange.
sciences concerning former socialist countries in
Language Research Institute
Central and Eastern Europe and the Balkans.
Institute of Business Research
Institute of Russian Studies
By studying technical, organizational and
The Language Research Institute conducts
research on phonemes, morphemes, syntax, and
The Institute of Russian Studies conducts research
methodological issues raised following the
development and introduction of management
semantic structures of individual languages that
on overall circumstances of Russia with respect
enable actual realization of language functionality
to politics, economics, society, and culture with
information systems and by delivering new
m a n a g e m e n t t e c h n i q u e s , t h i s i n s t i t u t e
Keeping abreast of the rapidly changing international situation and global environment, HUFS leads sustainable growth and
from a diachronic and synchronic point of view.
the goal of forging stronger bilateral relationships
Interpretation and Translation Institute
between Korea and Russia and between Korea
helps streamline management and raises
development through the convergence of information technology, biotechnology, and nanotechnology in addition to foreign
the international competitiveness of Korean
The Interpretation and Translation Institute helps
and the countries of the former Soviet Union.
language education. The Center for Foreign Language and Literature Research is the pillar of globalization; the Center for
advance professional interpretation and translation
Institute of African Studies
Institute of Basic Sciences
studies for the purpose of researching theories
The Institute of African Studies promotes in-depth
International Area Studies Research works toward true globalization; and the Center for Specialized Field Studies Research
and education on conference interpretation and
research on countries in the southern, western,
The Institute of Basic Sciences contributes to the
leads the convergence of academic studies. These three organizations together exemplify the world-class exemplify
and eastern regions of Africa and contributes to
advancement of science and technology required
the enhancement of Korea's relations with these
by the nation by means of efficient research on
capabilities of HUFS.
nations. It also supports the study of the languages
increasingly developing basic sciences.
Center for International Area Studies
and oral and written literatures in these regions,
Law Research Institute
such as those of Swahili, Hausa, and Zulu.
This institute not only plays a key role in
Institute of South Asian Studies
developing the studies of law in Korea but also
Institute of Japanese Studies
The Institute of South Asian Studies conducts
supports the research on foreign studies of HUFS
T h ro u g h c o m p re h e n s i v e re s e a rc h o n t h e
research to establish academic system in
along with the studies of language and literature,
humanities and social sciences concerning Japan,
South Asian countries such as India, Pakistan,
politics, and economics in collaboration with
including its language, culture, literature, history,
Bangladesh, Bhutan, the Maldives, Myanmar,
comparative law research institutes overseas
politics, and economy, the Institute of Japanese
Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Tibet and provides various
and international legal scholars, making them
Studies is heavily engaged in the development of
government institutions with advice and special
comprehensive foreign studies.
Japanese studies in Korea.
lectures to deliver comprehensive information.
I n s t i t u t e o f I n f o r m a t i o n a n d I n d u s t r i a l
Institute of Chinese Studies
Institute of Central Asian Studies
This institute makes utmost efforts to achieve top
The Institute of Central Asian Studies establishes a
The Institute of Information and Industrial
academic standing and research studies on China
solid foundation for study of the region by defining
Engineering contributes to the development of
and Taiwan in Korea
concepts related to countries in the region such as
local communities and the country while promoting
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan,
research through industrial-academic-research
The Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Xinjiang (East
institute collaboration
provides many organizations with a widerange of
Turkestan) by translating terms and place names
Institute of Environmental Science
information and knowledge garnered from in-depth
into Korean based on local expressions.
The Institute of Environmental Science conducts
research on language, literature, and area studies
research to devise measures to preserve our
including politics, economics, culture, and history.
natural environment and create pleasant living
Institute of Middle East Studies
Center for Specialized Field Studies
conditions by effectively solving the proliferating
The Institute of Middle East Studies researches
environmental issues.
the overall conditions of the Middle East from such
Institute of Government and Governance
perspectives as politics, economics, diplomacy,
I n s t i t u t e o f E c o n o m i c s a n d B u s i n e s s
The Institute of Government and Governance
society, religion, and culture, helping enhance the
analyzes problems arising out of administrative
relationship between Korea and countries in the
The primary objective is theoretical research
and policy processes and creates progressive
region such as Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Egypt,
on economics, business administration, and
alternatives. By doing so, it produces knowledge
Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, and
international trade, and the secondary objective is
required for on-site problem solving and combines
empirical research on real issues related to various
it with academic research, while simultaneously
Institute of British and American Studies
theories and research on policies and strategies.
providing policy analysis, institutional evaluation,
The Institute of British and American Studies
Institute of Global Politics
a n d c u s t o m i z e d a s s e s s m e n t n e e d e d b y
carries out research on various areas of North
Based on research on the overall aspects of the
government agencies and public organizations.
America with focus on the United States and the
study of politics, this institute carries out research
British Commonwealth of Nations centering on the
on the entire spectrum of regional and international
United Kingdom.
Institute of Latin American Studies
Institute of Philosophy and Culture Studies
The Institute of Latin American Studies conducts
This institute aims to contribute to world peace
research on the overall affairs of Latin America,
and create a new culture by exploring truth

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