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Graduate School
Graduate School
Law School
Graduate School of Business
Established as an educational institution to produce legal professionals in an innovative way, the Law
The Graduate School of Business actualizes student-oriented, customized education while focusing
School aims to produce legal professionals specialized in global regions by going above and beyond
on raising educational quality by providing responsible, solid education by excellent full-time faculty
standard training that focuses narrowly on passing the bar exam. It brings to bear the unique potential
through a practical curriculum. It offers a daytime MBA program through the Department of Business
and knowhow that only HUFS can offer. Toward the goal of producing legal professionals who are
Administration and Department of Marketing; a nighttime MBA program through the Department
well versed in the culture and conditions of foreign countries in addition to having deep insight into
of Business Administration; and an online MBA program through the Department of International
Korean law and foreign language skills, the Law School launched Korea¡¯s only joint degree program
Finance. The school will continue to expand and upgrade its educational system, which is designed
in connection with the Graduate School of International and Area Studies and UPEACE. In order to
to maximize critical thinking, analytical reasoning, decision making, and communication abilities.
enhance overseas training for students, it introduced overseas educational programs in collaboration
with foreign universities and institutions, and externship programs jointly with international embassies,
diplomatic offices, and trading firms around the world. In this way, the Law School produces highly
Graduate School of TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)
competent legal professionals with global acumen who can compete actively and effectively after the
The Graduate School of TESOL is the only specialized graduate school in Korea that trains
opening of the Korean legal market to international law firms.
outstanding experts in English education to teach and develop expert programs of English, the most
universal language used throughout the world in the globalization and information era. On the basis of
research on the most recent theories in the field of TESOL, especially English teaching and learning as
Graduate School of Education
well as online/offline content development, the graduate school focuses on enhancing the applicability
The Graduate School of Education was established to cultivate capable teachers. Based on its
to actual schooling and the practicality of such theories. To this end, the school has secured superior
knowhow, accumulated over 30 years, it constantly endeavors to provide superior education and
international faculty in TESOL-MALL(Multimedia Assisted Language Learning), created a state-of-the-
services. To develop qualities required for students to become competent teachers, it offers various
art research environment, and provides lectures in English. It also offers students opportunities for
required courses related to pedagogy. In order to prevent the delivery of pedagogical knowledge
internships with international universities and hosts seminars with renowned international scholars.
from being limited merely to academic theory, the school has further developed subject education
and provides in-depth education on the study of each subject and teaching methodologies. Through
specialized education courses, particularly those on foreign language education, it produces excellent
educational professionals in foreign languages.
Graduate School of Politics, Government and Communication
The Graduate School of Politics, Government and Communication is a special night-school program
of five semesters that stresses practical research on policy studies. The school creates courses
for government officials, members of the National Assembly and local councils, journalists and
broadcasters, advertising and public relations consultants, workers of interest groups, and high-
ranking policy makers engaged in the various processes of policy decisions; and it produces
competent personnel who take a comprehensive approach to problems, as required in the
information-oriented global era. Information and materials processing ability, analytical ability, and
sound judgment are needed not only for policy formation and execution but also for evaluation and
auditing, and these qualities are emphasized in the school¡¯s programs. The school strives to discover
the next generation of talents in each area of society.

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