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04 NewsDesk
Final Match of the 4th President¡¯s Trophy
Debate Competition Held
he final match of the President¡¯s Trophy Debate
vigorous arguments with other teams in the past, we were
Competition was held at the Global Campus Library
very hard pressed. I thought this would be our last round.
on Nov. 23. The debate¡¯s subject matter concerned
However, we won the first prize!¡± said Sin Su-Min, a student
majoring in the Department of German. ¡°We started in the
The judges evaluated each team on both the logical and
emotional aspects of the heated argument and finally decided
to at first, but we later adapted to it and it became a pleasure
that the affirmative team won. The vice president of the
to experience this new style of debate,¡± said Jeong Seong-
Global campus watched the debate and awarded a medal and
Hun, an Industrial and Management Engineering student on
a certificate of commendation to each team. ¡°It was such a
the opposition team. There were quizzes for the audience
surprise that our team won the debate! Whenever we had

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