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President¡¯s Message
Possibilities take flight at HUFS
Passion is the driving force that truly changes the world and is the privilege of
young people. For passion to bear fruit, there must be a well conceived vision and
Since its founding in 1954, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies has pioneered the way forward
for Korea, leading the country¡¯s economic growth and globalization. The global network of 100,000
HUFS alumni reaches every corner of the world and is recognized as a valuable national asset in
the era of globalization. Amid the rapid change of the 21st century, HUFS assumes an increasingly
important role as national borders dissolve and the divide between nations and cultural spheres
Today, the globalized knowledge information society requires true global talents. True global
talents possess, in addition to profound professional knowledge, fluency in foreign languages and
excellent communication abilities, a sophisticated global sense, and a win-win attitude for dealing
with other nations and cultures. HUFS is making its utmost efforts to nurture global talents without
falling into complacency, by continuing to develop a creative educational system and Korea¡¯s best
globalization strategy.
Foreign language education at HUFS started with only five languages at the time of the university¡¯s
founding. It now covers 45 foreign languages. In combination with the humanities, social studies,
science, and engineering, HUFS is leveraging languages to produce next-generation global leaders.
Many students are studying abroad at prestigious foreign universities through the student exchange
program and the 7+1 Visiting Student Program, and are dispatched to diplomatic establishments of
Korea and KOTRA offices in foreign countries, exploring new paths into the future.
Through the ongoing upgrading of the Seoul and Yongin campuses and the establishment of
a third campus in Songdo, HUFS is preparing for its complete globalization and is realizing its
ambitious plan to carve out a strong presence in the global arena in the 21st century. Georg W.
Hegel, the German philosopher, once said, "Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished
without passion."Passion is the driving force that truly changes the world and is the privilege of
young people. In order for passion to bear fruit, there must be a well-conceived vision and plan.
We at HUFS are offering just such a vision and plan, and a dream pursued with passion and
determination is bound to come true. HUFS is wide open to ambitious young people who intend
to better themselves and the world, who aspire to play important roles on the global stage, and who
are willing to take on the challenges of the world.
Park Chul
President of Hankuk University of Foreign Studies

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