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S e o u l C a m p u s
The College of Social Sciences, which consists of the Department of Political Science and Diplomacy,
The College of Business and Economics of HUFS was established based on the Department of Trade.
Department of Public Administration, and Journalism and Mass Communication Division, and open
It consists of the Department of International Economics and Law, which provides unique learning
major division aims to develop creative specialists and leaders for future society based on close inter-
opportunities to become experts in the field of international economics and law; and the Economics
departmental relations. Upholding its basic belief in cultivating the innovative and creative workforce
Division, which is performing a leading role in economics education and research in Korea. The college
required by a globalized, information-oriented and high-tech society, the College of Social Sciences
is paving the way for the enhancement of national competitiveness by cultivating international business
supports its students to develop practical minds that contribute to the sustainable development of
elites with a high level of foreign language proficiency and a global mindset who meet the demands of the
humanity as well as local communities.
21st century. The College of Business Administration was created to enable HUFS to fully realize its vision
- "The No. 1 Global University in Korea that Leads Globalization" - earlier than planned. It is cultivating top
business experts who will manage companies in Korea as well as countries all across the globe.
College of Social Sciences
College of Business and Economics
College of Business Administration
Social Science Building
Humanities Building
Advanced Professional Education
Advancing into a new area of studies
Department of Political Science and Diplomacy
College of Business and Economics
Department of Public Administration
Department of International Economics and Law
The department of Political Science and Diplomacy, a center for developing human
Based on the academic foundation of the Department of Trade, the Department of
Economics Division
resources in political science and diplomacy, leads research and education in the
International Economics and Law is developing international economics and law experts
Journalism and Mass Communication Division
Journalism and Media Studies
College of Business Administration
field of regional and international politics in Korean university education. It creates
needed by the global community, and is establishing a unique area of studies that can
Advertising and Public Relations
Business Administration Division
unique competitiveness through a synergy of intensive education in the major field,
be applied to the international market. It is developing the practical skills of students,
Television and Film
Open Major Division
foreign language education maximized by the special environment of HUFS and
enabling them to come up with creative solutions for external trade issues by offering
the double major program.
a curriculum that covers even international area studies. The department is promoting
The Department of Public Administration, a leader in educating public
students' growth into experts who contribute to smooth communication among countries
administrators, fosters an attitude that values the common goals of an organization,
by developing their global mindset and increasing their knowledge on trade and economy.
intellectual faculties enabling cooperation with the administration and public
institutions, the ability to coordinate and integrate, leadership skills of an all-
Prestigious organization in the field of economics
around manager and the ability to manage change. These goals distinguish its
The Economics Division is a prestigious organization in the field of economics that has
students from those of other universities.
graduated a great number of experts working in all walks of society, taking a leading role
The Journalism and Mass Communication Division produces professionals in
in economics education and research in Korea. The division's staff includes professors
journalism and mass media with distinctive knowledge and insight. It consists
with extensive field experience, including a former advisor for the International Bank for
of the Journalism and Media Studies Major, which trains journalists as well as
Reconstruction and Development and a researcher of the Korea Development Institute,
communication and new media experts adaptive to changing society and media
as well as professors who earned a doctoral degree from prestigious universities, such as
environment; the Advertising and Public Relations Major, which nurtures
Stanford University and the University of Chicago. It is cultivating a substantial number
Journal of Social Sciences
advertising specialists strong in creative and analytical skills as well as production
of experts based on a systematic curriculum that covers both academic research and the
and planning abilities; and the Television and Film Major, which cultivates digital
development of practical skills.
new media experts skilled in new and diverse content planning, production and
Development of world-leading business leaders with global expertise
The College of Business Administration is doing its best to fully implement its philosophy
of cultivating "The Best Business Leaders for Global Innovation and Excellence
Institute for Communication and Information | The Institute for Communication and Information lays
the foundation for extensive research on various new media and academic and practical research in the
(BBLGIE)." To this end, the college is promoting innovative convergence, making a
field of communication. It also suggests a roadmap for professional education. Through the quarterly
connection between business administration and various other fields of study, such as
journal ¡°East-West Journalism¡±, it supports studies related to journalism, media, brand, advertisement
language, area, and culture, by taking full advantage of the unique, core competencies
and PR.
Institute of Social Sciences | Established in 1978 with a goal to conduct research on the overall public
of HUFS. The college is also aiming to establish an unprecedented educational system
policies in Korea and other countries along with studies on policy alternatives, the Institute of Social
involved with developing the world's best experts with practical knowledge on business
Comparative Analysis of
Sciences applies a diversified and profound approach to overall social sciences. The ¡°Journal of Social
Science Studies¡±, a periodical published by the Institute, is highly acclaimed by the academic community.
administration as well as knowledge of language, literature, and area studies.
The East-West Channel
Broadcasting News Reports
Journal of Economics and
Journal of Business
Business Administration

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