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S e o u l C a m p u s
The College of Oriental Languages is Korea¡¯s best educational institution in Oriental languages and area
The College of Chinese, which HUFS was the first among domestic universities to establish, consists of
studies. It includesthe Department of Malay-Indonesian, the only program available in this specialty in
the Chinese Linguistics, Chinese Literature, and Chinese Area Studies. The college is making efforts to
Korea; and the Department of Arabic. Regardless of borders, races, cultures and major fields, the College
become the indisputable leader in Chinese language, literature, and area studies by developing futuristic
of Oriental Languages continues learning and strives to renew itself to cultivate global leaders who will
experts who meet the needs of the globalization era.
lead the globalization of the Asia-Pacific region.
The College of Japanese is also the first college of its kind to be established in Korea. It comprises the
Japanese Linguistics, Japanese Literature, and Japanese Area Studies. The goal of the college is to
contribute to society by cultivating experts with extensive and in-depth knowledge and skills by providing
practical education.
College of Oriental Languages
College of Chinese
College of Japanese
Main Building
Humanities Building
Differentiated Academic Features
Development of Chinese area experts with language and literature skills
Department of Malay-Indonesian
Chinese Studies Division
Department of Arabic
Chinese Linguistics
Fostering specialists in nine different Oriental languages, including Malay,
The College of Chinese was created based on the Department of Chinese, a
Department of Thai
Chinese Literature
Indonesian, Arabic, Thai, Vietnamese, Hindi, Turkish and Persian, the College
leading department of HUFS. To enhance its social reputation, the college is
Department of Vietnamese
Chinese Area Studies
Department of India
of Oriental Languages focuses on cultivating human resources with a profound
cultivating outstanding experts with world-leading skills in both theory and
Department of Turkish and Azerbaycani
Japanese Studies Division
knowledge of local cultures and societies, including politics, economy, literature
practical applications by offering specialized education that includes much more
Department of Persian
Japanese Linguistics
Department of Mongolian
Japanese Literature
and art, as well as having top-class language skills. Academic features have been
than simply the Chinese language. It is also implementing practical and effective
Japanese Area Studies
differentiated to study every field relating to local areas, including anthropology,
Chinese language specialization strategies through the student exchange program,
politics, economy, history, comparative linguistics, and comparative literature as
"7+1" system, and interdisciplinary major in BRICs studies. The college will fully
well as practical languages, in a comparative perspective with Korea.
establish a competitive education system that features detailed majors, based on the
specialization strategies. By so doing, the college will boost the competitiveness of
Department of Vietnamese Receives the ¡°Medal for Promoting the World
alumni, satisfy society's needs that are growing in tandem with the rapid growth
People Friendship¡±
of China, and develop international experts through global-level foreign language
The Department of Vietnamese is both internally and externally recognized for its
education and area research; thereby advancing HUFS into a prestigious university
contribution in promoting friendly cooperation between Korea and Vietnam and
that performs a leading role in providing education needed in the new era.
developing Vietnamese studies in Korea. In fact, in June 2004, it received a ¡°Medal
for Promoting World People Friendship¡± from the Vietnamese government. The
Establishment of a world-leading hub that develops Japanese experts
Department of Vietnamese at HUFS has translated and published ¡°Korean Literary
The vision of the College of Japanese is to establish a world-leading hub for
History,¡± ¡°New Stories of Mount Golden Turtle,¡± ¡°The Story of Chunhyang:
developing Japanese experts by effectively using the extensive pool of experts
Korean Traditional Tales in Vietnamese,¡± as well as comparative studies, including
cultivated by the former Department of Japanese. To this end, the college intends
a ¡°Vietnamese-Korean Dictionary,¡± and ¡°Comparative Study of Vietnamese-
to make qualitative improvements to advance HUFS into a globally competitive
Korean Tales.¡± It continues to serve as a bridge for bilateral academic exchanges.
education and research organization and to transform itself into a creative college
that contributes to national development and meets the demand of society. The
educational objective of the college is to cultivate futuristic experts on Japan
who will become leaders in this era of globalization and internationalization by
bringing together language, literature, and area studies. In detail, the college will
function as a leading Japan-related educational organization of a new concept that
emphasizes practical applications in tandem with the diversification of society and
demand for human resources. The college will employ various means to identify
a future direction for experts and contribute to society by cultivating experts on
Japan who have comprehensive and professional knowledge and skills.
Southeast Asia Journal
Journal of Korean Association
of Thai Studies
Japanese Research
Chinese Research

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