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Seoul Campus
Seoul Campus
College of Chinese
College of Business and Economics
The College of Chinese Languages, the first ever in Korea, concentrates on producing talented people
The College of Business and Economics consists of the Department of International Economics
who have knowledge and understanding of China encompassing politics, culture, and art as well as
and Law, which originated from the Department of International Trade and is taking root as an
language skills. The academic courses are divided into the three categories of linguistics, literature,
independent academic institution to train specialists in international economics and law; and the
and area studies in order to add depth to the study of academic areas such as Chinese literature, area
Economics Division, which is leading education and research in economics in Korea. Providing
studies, Chinese interpretation and translation, and Chinese education, depending on the aptitude
courses encompassing international area studies on the basis of international economics and law, this
and interest of individuals. Through the Student Exchange Program, 7+1 Visiting Student Program,
college nurtures competent human resources who can present creative alternatives to international
and BRICs interdisciplinary major, it employs a more practical and effective Chinese specialization
economic and legal issues while keeping pace with the 21st century.
? Departments and majors: Department of International Economics and Law; and Economics Division (Major of
? Departments and majors: Chinese Studies Division (Majors in Chinese Linguistics Chinese Literature and Chinase
Area Studies)
College of Business Administration
The College of Japanese
The College of Business Administration produces innovative global leaders in professional
Highly interactive classes with native-speaker professors and in-depth majors of Japanese linguistics,
management. The college makes the most out of the unique capability of HUFS and combines the
literature, and Japanese area studies enable students to build language fluency, understanding of
basic areas of business administration with various academic studies related to foreign languages,
Japan, and expert knowledge without going to Japan to study. This college also tirelessly explores
geographic areas, and cultures, and innovatively integrates different studies. It also seeks to establish
new course offerings such as ¡°Japanese Language and Information,¡± ¡°Japanese Language in Films,¡±
an educational system for the world¡¯s best specialists who possess unmatched knowledge in actual
and ¡°Japanese Literature in Films¡± that can enhance students¡¯ practical capabilities required for the
business management, linguistics and literature, and area studies.
digital information era, and new programs such as the interdisciplinary major of Northeast Asian
? Departments and majors: Business Administration Division (Major of Business Administration)
Studies, which can nurture competent human resources required for society in the future.
? Departments and majors: Japanese Studies Division (Majors in Japanese Linguistics; Japanese Literature; and
Japanese Area Studies)
College of Education
The College of Education is home to the Department of English Education with a proud history
of 40 years, the Department of French Education, the Department of German Education, and the
College of Social Sciences
Department of Korean Education. This college produces competent people with the knowledge,
The College of Social Sciences has the Department of Political Science and Diplomacy, the
experience, personality, and qualities that middle and high school teachers should have. The college
Department of Public Administration, and the Journalism Mass Communication Division and the
recently enabled students to obtain dual certificates in two concentrations by majoring in another
Open Major Division. It concentrates on producing creative professionals and leaders through close
language or field in addition to their first major language. This is an effort to meet the constantly
inter-departmental cooperation. Under the principle of cultivating innovative and creative experts
changing needs for teachers in secondary schools.
needed in a globalized, information-oriented, and high-technology society, the college helps its
? Departments and majors: Department of English Education; Department of French Education; Department of
students become intellectuals with practical minds who contribute to the sustainable development of
German Education; and Department of Korean Education
the human race as well as local communities.
? Departments and majors: Department of Political Science and Diplomacy Department of Public Administration
and Journalism and Mass Communication Division (Majors of Journalism and Media Studies; Advertising and Public
Division of International Studies
Relations; and Television and Film) Open Major Division
The Division of International Studies was established to produce international specialists who exercise
outstanding capabilities in the globalization era. It offers a specialized curriculum and gives students
College of Law
rigorous training to develop the kind of excellent language skills and expertise required on the global
The study of law functions in the context of a social system. Therefore, the study of law plays the
stage. In addition, the division promotes the development of qualities and attitudes appropriate for
crucial role of producing legal professionals who interpret social norms and coordinate complex legal
people engaged in activities in the international arena. The division concentrates on international
relationships and at the same time produces strategists of society who respond to the changes of the
cooperation as well as international economics and law to add greater depth to students¡¯ studies.
times. Many societies and enterprises place legal professionals in key positions and depend on them
? Departments and majors: Major of International Studies
for their advancement. The College of Law produces human resources with expert knowledge in law
necessary for all areas of society and sound legal reasoning.
? Departments and majors: Department of Law

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