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Hankuk University of
Foreign Studies
Green Campus Where People Coexist in Harmony with Nature
Global Campus(Yongin)
Ensconced in nature's majesty, the Global Campus of HUFS in Yongin explores the truth of learning and
nurtures talented people to take the lead in the 21st century. This vast and beautiful Global Campus is
home to Myeongsudang Pond, the Forest of Oblivion, and the Ginkgo Tree Street is a dearly loved place
to visit in the region. It is an environment-friendly campus that is closely connected to nature, people,
and the world.
Olle Paths
The Olle Paths are clean, environment-friendly paths that stretch 4.85 kilometers
through the picturesque landscape of the Global Campus(Yongin). Visitors can take a
campus tour along the paths. Olle Paths 1 to 3 which lead to the Forest of Oblivion,
Myeongsudang Pond, and the Autumn Leaves Tunnel are already open, and Olle
Path 4 will be completed in 2011. Then, the paths will serve as a place for both local
residents and HUFS people to socialize and enjoy their leisure time.
Mo Hyun Dormitory and a Second Dormitory
As a major center of academics, the Global Campus(Yongin) operates Mo Hyun
Dormitory for its students to enjoy a pleasant life during their studies as well as
to provide accommodations for students from other towns. Alarge-scale second
dormitory is to be constructed by 2011 to house 80 families of international professors
and 1,670 students. Equipped with superb facilities and nestled in a beautiful
environment, it is set to become a center of talented global players.
Multi Plaza
The Multi Plaza is a facility that affords students a pleasant and convenient environment
for study through multimedia. It has group study rooms for small group discussions,
and 55 seats with Internet access or audio recording and feedback equipment for
language practice and the like, multimedia search seats for multimedia playback, and
seats for playing school satellite broadcasts and digital video recordings.
English Zone
The English Zone in the second-floor lobby of the Language and Literature Building
is a space where students can improve their English skills. It is offering a variety of
programs for free English learning opportunities with native speakers. From 9:30 am
to 5:30 pm, students can engage in self-study: they can freely visit the zone at their
convenience and practice English in groups or using audiovisual learning aids.
Myeongsudang Pond and Forest of Oblivion
The HUFS Global Campus(Yongin) is considered to be one of the most beautiful
university campus in Korea. It has positioned itself as one of the most popular local
attractions in Yongin. It has established itself as one of the most popular local attractions
in Yongin, recognized as such by local residents as well as by HUFS students

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