41ÆäÀÌÁö º»¹®½ÃÀÛ

with the law on their side. Even today,
lot and gave her the inspiration to live
government organization acquired the
the government does not actually give a
a happy life again. As a result of her
space for their work. We feel thirsty
hand to the weak because of the unfair
new vitality, she hoped to be of help
for chances to help make a better world
rules, such as the rank system in error
to Living Together, and now, she helps
for the people in need, and the lack of
of the poor. It is as if just being poor is
us prepare supper every day. Having
opportunities is what we worry about
a crime itself. Those in poverty cannot
this meaningful work, she regained
get houses or treatment just because
her health and has been helping us for
of being poor. So we help solve the
almost five years. She is over the age
Argus: Swallowing all of these
problems approaching them from many
of ninety, but she seems to live in good
matters, Living Together still seems
angles. We feed them, provide them
to work. Do you have any plans or
with education, medical attention,
and with study rooms. Plus, we repair
Lim: Right now, we have sixteen
Argus: Becoming stronger and
damaged houses for no charge and we
branches and about one-hundred-and-
stronger, you and the NGO still seem
to have some problems and worries.
for jobs. Also, we grant scholarships
Living Together¡¯s name. These spaces
to the children in need. Working with
Lim: The biggest problem we face
are for the various services to those in
these children is the biggest work we
today is opportunity. We do not get
need. It seems enough already, looking
do, compared to our other work. We
at the number, but it is not. So we are
feel strongly that working with children
a handicap for Living Together. As we
planning to open more branches. Plus,
is the most important work we do.
Even though many people suffer from
planning to contact some companies to
poverty, a warm meal and treatment
disagree. That¡¯s because when you get
see if they will help us. In this way, we
can cure many of the diseases, both
are hoping to help even more people
physically and mentally. Especially, the
now has the power to demand what the
organization can do. In such a case,
important. Not like the free meal that
we lose our voice in talking to the
the government occasionally provides,
government and thus we fail. So we do
Lim: I believe that you have sensed
not get such help. And this leads to a
that we do all these things because we
disadvantage in getting the resources to
want to. I proudly speak out loud that
the only agency that can do such things
work with the people in need. It means
the happiness of giving is more joyful
because we are committed to this. Plus,
not being satisfied with our present
other organizations in getting help from
can get to know the joy of giving and
work, we seek for more work so that
the government. For example, a village
share the happiness by participating in
we can help even more people, such as
office moved away to a different place.
projects like making handmade soap by
We requested from the government to
ourselves. In these ways, we are getting
let us use that space as a place to feed
people, but we were refused. Later, a
Argus: Can you tell us one of the
Lim: Once in the past, an old woman
had visited us for a meal. She had
depression. To make things the worse,
Before putting the spoon
her sons did not contact his mother, or
to the food, everyone
gives thanks for today,
even try to help her. But by visiting us,
the supper, and everyone
and getting meals, encouraged her a
JUNE 2010

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