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Hankuk University of
Foreign Studies
An institution for becoming an expert in international institutions
UN-affiliated University for Peace
The United-Nations-mandated University for Peace (UPEACE) is a unique university you can enter only
at HUFS. HUFS established the Asia-Pacific campus of UPEACE offering masters and doctoral degree
programs for business of international institutions in 2008, the first UPEACE in Asia. Graduates of the
programs have a competitive edge in getting a foothold in international institutions. They serve across
borders and contribute to world peace. HUFS remains as committed as ever to the challenge of making a
better world.
The University for Peace
University for Peace Degree Programs
UPEACE Masters Programs
?International Law and Human Rights
(Degree: M.A. in International Law and
Human Rights)
UPEACE was first established in 1980 as a U.N.-affiliated university in accordance with
?Media, Peace, and Conflict Studies
the resolution of the U.N. General Assembly in Costa Rica.
(Degree: M.A. in Media, Peace, and
This university is an institution of higher education established for the cause of world
Conflict Studies)
?Sustainable Urban Governance and
peace. It has obtained ratification from 36 countries and produces talented individuals
Peace (Degree: M.A. in Responsible
pursuant to the spirit and philosophy manifested in the U.N. Charter. It is the only UN-
Management and Sustainable Economic
affiliated institution granting masters and doctoral degrees on peace and conflict.
Development Studies)
Thirteen masters programs are offered. In addition to the headquarters campus, it has
cooperative research institutions and masters programs in more than ten countries
Special Features
around the world. Over 600 students from 90 countries completed the masters programs
?Dual degree form HUFS and UPEACE
?All lectures are taught in English at both
at UPEACE, and Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations, is the Honorary
President of the University for Peace. With the purpose of promoting understanding,
?1st and 4th semesters at HUFS ?All
tolerance, and peaceful coexistence, it promotes cooperation among nations and assists
students are granted scholarships.
in diminishing obstacles and threats to world peace and progress.
?2nd and 3rd semesters at UPEACE in
Costa Rica
Asia¡¯s First and Korea¡¯s Only HUFS-UPEACE Dual Degree Program
?Up to three credits may be granted for
internship training of four weeks or longer
The HUFS-UPEACE Dual Degree Program is the first of its kind in Asia. Students can
at a Korean or foreign institution.
study for one year in Korea and for another year in Costa Rica to earn two master¡¯s
degrees from the Graduate School of International and Area Studies of HUFS and the
MA program of UPEACE. This program aims to elevate korean's international stature of
Korea and nurture experts in human rights, peace, and sustainable development, which
are critical global issues at the center of attention in the 21st century, by helping degree
earners make inroads into international society and contribute to world peace.
Students pursue in-depth studies on the roles and influences of international law and
media to further the progress in upholding human rights and conflict arbitration. They
also conduct in-depth studies to discover what sustainable development truly is in order
to make the global village work better, and to determine what we should do in this regard
and how.

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