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Poirot¡¯s Deduction
workers is 71,967, which is more than the total population
universities due to the decrease in the school-age population
of Gwacheon-si, Gyeonggi-do at 69,910. With the success of
Pangyo Techno Valley, Gyeonggi Province announced that it
to this blind ¡°In Seoul¡± phenomenon, local universities are in
would promote additional new techno valleys in areas such as
danger of disappearing due to population extinction caused by
Gwanggyo, Yongin, Ilsan, Gwangmyeong, Siheung, Hanam,
Dongtan, Gimpo, and Anyang. Knowledge-based industries
Regarding jobs, most companies have their headquarters
located in Seoul, and mid-sized companies that were in some
technology, are concentrated in the Seoul capital area, while
Heavy Industries, a shipbuilder that once represented Busan,
in 2022, 86 companies have their headquarters located in the
could not withstand the aftermath of the global recession
Seoul capital area. There is a clear difference between the
and was at a loss. It sold its shipyard to a consortium* led
Seoul capital area and the rural areas not only related to the
by Dongbu Construction. The spread of the techno valley in
the Seoul capital area and the decline of local cities, on the
contrary, show that the job gap between the provinces and
job offer site, as of May 5, 2022, 124,883 jobs were found in
the metropolitan area is deepening due to the development of
Seoul, 82,365 jobs in Gyeonggi province, and 18,166 jobs in
Incheon. There was a total of 154,414 job announcements in
the Seoul capital area, a huge difference from 63,483 jobs
in non-Seoul capital areas. There were no places with more
than 10,000 job postings in local cities or provinces. Even
if we simply compare the absolute number of jobs, we can
The wide gap between the Seoul capital area and rural areas
can be seen as the biggest cause of centralization, including
are moving to the Seoul capital area. Professor Kim Kyung-
educational institutes such as universities, workplaces, cultural
hoe of the Department of Education at Sungshin Women's
spaces, transportation, and even food, clothing, shelter, and
University said, ¡°The social and cultural infrastructure are
medical facilities. In fact, Seoul National University, Yonsei
all concentrated in Seoul, so most people want to live in
University, Korea University, and Hankuk University of
Seoul. There are no fascinating jobs in rural areas,¡± he said.
Foreign Studies, so-called prestigious universities highly
In conclusion, the problems of education and workplaces are
preferred by students, are concentrated in Seoul. In the past
period of economic development, national universities based
in regions with relatively low tuition fees and long traditions
were also quite competitive. According to the education
company Jongno Academy Haneul Education, in 2021, all
nine national universities in regional areas recorded less than
Seoul capital area and implemented several policies starting
100 percent enrollment rate for new students. In addition,
among the 200 four-year universities nationwide, there were
should be encouraged to promote investment and development
more than 30 local universities with more than 100 students
by granting various benefits such as a regional quota system
not enrolled in the academic year of 2021, including Daegu
and a regional balanced selection system is being consistently
University in Gyeongsan-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Wonkwang
pursued despite the successive changes of administration.
University in Iksan-si, Jeollabuk-do, Sangji University in
The government has been promoting gradual improvement
Wonju-si, Gangwon-do, and Catholic Kwandong University in
by implementing the ¡°Relocation of 115 Public Institutions to
Gangneung-si, Gangwon-do. This shows the actual situation
Local Areas¡± and the ¡°Construction of 10 Innovative Cities¡±
of students in rural areas and the disappearance of local
projects, the construction of Sejong Special Self-Governing

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