31ÆäÀÌÁö º»¹®½ÃÀÛ

Huginn & Muninn
managed in an environmentally friendly way, helping to
While Ultraman¡¯s abilities may seem far-fetched, humans
are making efforts to produce some of them. How do
Ultraman¡¯s abilities manifest in everyday life? The phase
Ultraman¡¯s Spacium Beam uses a strong light emitted by
transition material used to create the Beta Capsule is
a laser to defeat enemies and protect Ultraman himself.
However, in modern society, the strong light of lasers
is being used not as a weapon to attack someone, but to
the main energy source in future societies, energy storage
resurrect rusted metal. When metal is exposed to a moist
environment at room temperature or high temperatures for
Due to the nature of renewable energy coming from the
a long time, it rusts and loses its electrical conductivity.
This phenomenon is called ¡°oxidation¡± and occurs when
metal and oxygen in the air combine. Until now, metals
and use it when demand increases. Therefore, the research
that have lost their conductivity were considered useless.
However, it is now possible to use lasers to restore metal
As lots of works doing on online become more common,
the key competitiveness of the IT industry lies in data.
Generally, when metal is exposed to heat, it oxidizes, but
The crucial factor is not simply collecting data, but how
to effectively utilize all of this data. A data center collects
the laser¡¯s heat and is reduced. Metal oxides are easier to
various types of data and operates tens of thousands of
reduce than other materials. Oxidized metals do not react
servers simultaneously for big data management. When
well with other substances, and since they are already
using a computer or phone for a long time or at very high
Similarly, it is important to reduce the heat generated
Lasers are used in this process because they can achieve
by large amounts of data in a data center. Therefore, a
stable reduction. Lasers can raise the temperature of
technology that employs a phase change material called
materials in a very short time, which allows them to cool
quickly. Lee Daeho, Professor of Mechanical Engineering
in the center. This involves attaching panels filled with
at Gachon University, explains, ¡°In the case of reactions
from increasing temperature, if the temperature rises
the phase change material to the structures where heat is
quickly and then falls quickly, only a certain specific
mainly generated within the center. This material absorbs
and releases heat generated by the internal electronic
reaction occurs and there is no time for subsequent
equipment, thus optimizing the temperature in the center.
reactions.¡± In other words, using lasers can lead to the
This reduces the burden on the center¡¯s equipment and
reduction of metal oxides without subsequent re-oxidation.
enhances safety and
The reduction process using lasers is carried out by
performance. By
reducing metal oxides into nano-sized particles. This is
using phase change
because smaller particles dissolve better, and these small
materials instead of
As a result, the smaller particles that were once easily
which are like giant
oxidized, like nano particles, have a slower oxidation rate
air conditioners
and become similar to typical metals like copper and
running 24/7, the
nickel. Additionally, when several nano particles merge
heat generated by
and increase in size, their surface area becomes wider
the center can be
than when they were smaller, so they conduct electricity
MAY 2023

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