31ÆäÀÌÁö º»¹®½ÃÀÛ

Argus Prize
2 0 1 3 E s s a y C o n t e s t O r g a n i z e d b y T h e A r g u s
rely on just a small piece of evidence to guess what happened
more than a thousand years ago. It is also the same for fields
still shrouded in mystery, scholars first form a hypothesis and
then try to prove their theories. The ability to make brilliant
hypothesis mostly determines the scholarly success, which
means imagination is an integral part of solving or proving a
Third, knowledge may pale into insignificance if it is not
used in a creative way. There is a popular proverb in Korea,
¡°Beads are of no use unless you string it as a necklace.¡±
outcome. What is truly important is the creativity that enables
one to make a beautiful necklace. Where does that creativity
come from? Imagination! Knowledge can be earned anytime,
(Dept. of English Interpretation
has to do more high-dimensional work - imagination. It is a
privilege only allowed to humans, no matter how ¡°smart¡± the
Fourth, new knowledge is created and developed through
bold imagination. For example, space exploration led to the
development of many new technologies and fields of study.
here is a common belief that knowledge is more
Without the imagination of exploring space, no research
important in education, and the Korean education
or experiments would have been done. This clearly shows
system is also focused on teaching a large quantity
imagination should come first rather than implanting
of knowledge. However, this belief proves to be wrong by
knowledge. Students should be encouraged to ¡°dream a
many counterarguments and examples that show imagination
precedes knowledge. I believe imagination is more important
First, education is about teaching ¡°how to¡± catch fish rather
knowledge when educating students. What they should learn
imagination respectively. As our society gets more and more
through education is not just a mere knowledge. What would
truly enrich their lives are creativity, imagination, and critical
thinking skills. The little prince said to the fox in
of the knowledge but have to encourage their students to find
the desert, ¡°It is only with the heart that one can
the field of their interest and research about the specific field.
see rightly. Anything essential is invisible to the
That kind of motivation is usually stirred up when a student
eyes.¡± That¡¯s right. Imagination cannot be seen
comes to have a dream that he or she really wants to achieve.
like knowledge, but that is the power that motivates
Where does that dream come from? Imagination! Imagining
humans, moves the world, and changes the history
what the future society would be like motivates students to
Second, there are numerous fields of study that involve
imagination. For example, history, the subject that I am really
interested in, is a mixture of imagination and facts. Actually,
JUNE 2013

31ÆäÀÌÁö º»¹®³¡

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