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information and communication,¡± said
¡°disciplinary¡± society that Foucault
Park Chung-ja, professor emeritus of
suggested. Due to technical advances
Sangmyung University. ¡°That is, people
in the 20th century, an array of devices
have the right not to be observed by
now have the capability to observe
others in these areas. It is unfortunate
people as efficiently as a panopticon.
that government agencies have recently
As mentioned above, the Internet is
tended to perform their work without
one of the most influential of such
places of observation. Not only national
institutions, but firms as well serve
as observers by collecting personal
Foucault¡¯s explanation of a modern
information to set marketing strategies.
prison covers not only the area of
KT introduced its new Internet service
punishment, but also ordinary lives
named ¡°QOOK,¡± which provides ads
in a society. That is, the structure
based on data regarding the tastes of
of observation and restraint can be
individual customers. The method of
discovered even in such areas as
collecting such data is the same as that
education, military training and
used by the NIS¡¯s packet investigation,
manufacturing. When explaining
continuously raising the problem of
lookouts in societies, Foucault
often focuses on what is called the
Hong Sung-ook, professor of Program
in History and Philosophy of Science
at Seoul National University, defines
The concept of the design is to allow
the phenomenon of watching society¡¯s
observation of all prisoners without
members using computer devices
the prisoners being able to tell whether
as the domination of an ¡°electronic
they are being watched. The concept
panopticon,¡± such as the Internet or
and ¡°opticon,¡± which mean ¡°all¡± and
Yet the more people think they can
monitor authorities in cyber space, the
To Foucault, this model is symbolic of
more organizations actively engage
These blueprints show the basic structure of
in pointing out the flaws of authority
Bentham¡¯s concept of the panopticon, a prison
even producing knowledge and goods
and expressing their opinions. Thomas
in schools or factories is performed
Mathiesen, a Norwegian sociologist,
in the way same as the application of
suggests the concept of ¡°synopticon,¡±
violations of individual privacy. It is
order by authority in a prison. Foucault
a revised model of the panopticon
important to realize that authorities
insists individuals believe that they
using the Greek word ¡°syn,¡° meaning
sustain their power by oppressing
engage in production on their own,
individuals¡¯ rights, while people
when in fact they have been classified
between observers and individuals,
unconsciously gird themselves with the
to function in appropriate places.
emphasizing that both can observe each
disciplines acquired. The May 1, 1999
Similarly, cyber space provides the
other. It is evident that the lookout by
issue of The Economist ran a piece that
lookout for governmental authorities
national authorities -- whether in reality
read, ¡°In the countryside of the past,
such as the prosecution, NIS and
or cyber space -- might hinder the
Defense Security Command to ensure
doing; however, it is certain that no one
order. Other examples include closed-
can be sure of what lies in the future.¡±
circuit television (CCTV) distributed
Big Brother, as depicted in the novel
Although monitoring telecomm-
¡°1984¡± by George Orwell, with huge
unications and Internet is approved by
eyes staring at society, has now become
the judicature, the range of interception
It is not hard to find cases of the
recently uncovered reveals grave

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