29ÆäÀÌÁö º»¹®½ÃÀÛ

Book Review
Anne¡¯s advantage. Some people might
long as this novel is still being read
by this generation. Anne, the icon of a
the distance between themselves and
is just something embarrassing or a
sensibility that would enable people to
pure imagination, and also, they are
able to regain part of their pure nature
still alive somewhere in your hearts. In
the second half of the novel,
to feel ashamed of being imaginative.
Anne consoled Marilla,
Moreover, the author shows what
Even if we are not as imaginative as
who cried for her lonesome
it means to be grown up; Anne, who
we were in our childhoods, it doesn¡¯t
thoughts that Anne was
becomes 15 years old, has changed.
not a little young girl any
Although her mind is still more
imaginative moments in our lives.
longer. If you are saddened
sensitive than other peoples, she has
On your way, why don¡¯t you stop for
by the scene, Anne¡¯s
become much quieter and doesn¡¯t use
a moment and consider anything you
words will encourage
big words as she used to. This change
you, too: ¡°The real me ?
made Marilla feel a queer sorrowful
back here, is just the same.
sense of ¡®loss.¡¯ The author seemed to
for something precious that surrounds
It won¡¯t make a bit of
show that becoming grown up is the
you, just as Anne did? By doing that,
difference where I
go or how much I
of which are connected with childlike
sorts of things, even if you are already
change outwardly;
imagination. After all, the novel proves
familiar with them. It may not just be
at heart I shall always
the power and the importance of the
a time for a break in your daily life.
be your little Anne,
dreams and romance, which can make
If romance ? which involves a bigger
who will love you and
Matthew and dear
Green Gables
worthy, there is no need to hesitate to
more and
can write their own articles whenever
love metaphors and literacy thoughts.
better every
they want, thanks to the development
day of her
of media such as SNS and blogs.
does not provide you with the ability
However, Today is also called the day
for a satisfying life. The old lesson,
of dead poets; although our current
environment is overflowing with lots
lose its power and become just an old
of images and contents, there is not
much time for philosophical or literary
speculation. Speed and effectiveness
Our sensibility
are the most important values. Whilst
is not a relic
struggling with such reality, and as we
of the past
become adults, we have lost the ability
yet, as
to find romance from common things
by ourselves, which is

29ÆäÀÌÁö º»¹®³¡

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