25ÆäÀÌÁö º»¹®½ÃÀÛ

fee, the government¡¯s university
money as they like. For example,
interest even when students are
tuition easing plan cannot solve the
completing their military service.
problem,¡± said Kim Dong-gyu, the
payment for their faculties¡¯ pensions
Beyond this, there are unnecessary
or medical insurance premiums.
conditions to receive a loan. To be
The government¡¯s easing plan
However, the greater numbers of
eligible for a loan, students have to
also cannot cover the fundamental
universities pay for these costs
earn a B average, be in the seventh
problems of high-priced university
instead of the foundations. During
income rank, be under thirty-five
tuition. There are even problems
2007 to 2009, forty-six percent of
of universities saving the money
universities, among the one hundred
borrowers graduate from school and
and irresponsible educational
and forty nine in Korea, paid these
earn more than the minimum cost
costs instead of the foundations,
of living of 1.44 million won a year
according to the statements of Lee
as calculated this year, they should
Sang-min, member of a legislative
pay back the loan immediately. ¡°To
¨çExaggerated budget and saved
solve the high interest problem, the
Universities can accumulate
government should urgently bankroll
money, such as donations, to spend
Furthermore, there is no debate
the national student loan program.
in the future for research expenses,
about a national student loan
The Korea Student Aid Foundation
scholarships and so on. However,
program. During the first semester
manages the national student loan
and if the interest rate is lowered, an
used as a means of accumulating of
a revision of the national student
increase in the foundation¡¯s financial
university wealth. Universities draw
loan system. Most students though
burdens will be inevitable. Thus,
up an exaggerated budget which is
have not used this system because
governmental support is necessary.
not necessary and, with the leftover
its interest rate is too high. The loan
However, in the current case, the
money, is used to buy land or build
system interest rate of last semester
government includes the existing
buildings which are more related to
was 4.9 percent. It also charges
national scholarship of about 330
growing universities¡¯ wealth rather
billion won provided by the Korea
than student welfare. Moreover,
Student Aid Foundation, which will
as universities create unnecessary
further exacerbate the issues. So it
budgets, university tuition fees
is doubted that the government even
increase to make up for the lack
has the will to solve the problems
of funds. For instance, Hongik
regarding the national student loan
University saved seventy nine billion
Furthermore, the easing plan for
or 78.3 billion won was used to
establish buildings in 2008. Only 19
by the government only applies to
next year. It cannot be suggested as
a long-term alternative for the high-
priced tuition problem. Yeon Hui-
deok, a researcher of the Korea
Educational foundations have to
Higher Education Research Institute,
said, ¡°The government¡¯s plan only
applies to next year and this short-
Despite this fact, most educational
term alternative cannot solve the
foundations do not pay universities,
tuition problems so fundamental
¡ãNational student loan which has many
but rather use the universities¡¯

25ÆäÀÌÁö º»¹®³¡

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