25ÆäÀÌÁö º»¹®½ÃÀÛ

began to conceive of an Asia united in
Project also present obstacles to greater
opposition to European colonialism. Ito
¡°In East Asia, countries are still
There are also those in Korea calling
focused on military preparations,¡± said
emphasizing the need for coordination
for the country to rely on the rising
Shin Woon-yong, a researcher at the
between East Asian states to ward off
strength of China to repel Western
Western encroachment. Behind this
domination, just as previous scholars
the Korean peninsula was divided
called for reliance upon Japan a
into two nations, the circumstances
the innate superiority of Japan that was
century earlier. ¡°What Ahn intended,¡±
are almost same as 100 years ago. If
used to justify its external expansion.
says Makino Eiji, a professor at
the nations created a united military
The ¡°Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity
Hosei University, ¡°was to elucidate
and controlled nuclear weapons, we
Sphere¡± was a product of Japanese
the formation of a future-oriented
would not be fighting over nuclear
propaganda used during World War II
community where diverse countries
solved social problems while not being
Ahn perceived this threat inherent in
led by a single nation. Environmental
the thinking of Japanese bureaucrats
problems, like the yellow dust that
People in the 1900s did not welcome
including Ito, whose talk of peace
blows into Korea from China, should
Ahn¡¯s thoughts, considering his ideas
obscured Tokyo¡¯s aim of outright
be solved through such an international
unrealistic. However, his theories
control. In his writing, Ahn celebrates
have a critical bearing on our modern
Japan¡¯s victory in the Russo-Japanese
globalized society where cooperation
War of 1904, though he attacks
with other countries is crucial.
its encroachment against Korean
Although Ahn suggested fighting
Discussions about an ¡°East-Asian
against western superpowers through
Community¡± have been suggested
an alliance of countries in East Asia, it
by former South Korean Presidents
is not correct to say that he considered
Kim Dae-jung and Roh Moo-hyun,
too much trust in Japan before the war.
the world as a potential enemy. His
and current Japanese Prime Minister
But a review of his theories shows that
proposals were aimed at the restoration
Yukio Hatoyama. Although not an
of damaged relations in East Asia and
easy task, there is hope of a real Asian
Japan¡¯s justification for its imperialist
sought to persuade Japan to modify its
expansion while laying out a model for
policies. These included establishing
peace based not on nationalism but on
a neutral meeting ground at China¡¯s
Lushun Port in the municipality of
His assessment carries significant
Dalian, Liaoning province, where
lessons for the modern era, suggesting
solutions to the problems that continue
among East-Asian countries. The site
to vex relations between Korea,
would also house a central bank set up
China and Japan. Since 2000, these
countries have shown a definitive tilt
Ahn went so far as to urge friendly
towards increased competition in arms
relations with the pope, ideas easily
development and procurement, as
dismissed as a pipe dream yet brought
reflected in China¡¯s active intervention
to fruition with the creation of the
in the problem of nuclear weapons in
European Union (EU), with an official
North Korea and the reinforcement of
currency, the Euro, and its first
Japan¡¯s Self-Defense Forces. Historical
president, Herman Van Rompuy. The
disputes such as those between Korea
trade and economic growth across
comfort women and Yasukuni Shrine
the region. The EU president allows
-- and China¡¯s ongoing Northeastern
the region to bring more influence in

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