24ÆäÀÌÁö º»¹®½ÃÀÛ

22 In-depthonNational
The government announced that
of poor students received a national
they expect, through this plan,
scholarship in 2008. Also, six
that universities will make efforts
on average, did the yearly tuition fee
percent of the students didn¡¯t apply
to reduce their tuitions and will
for the national student loan due to
also establish scholarship systems
most households suffer from high-
the condition that enrolled students
appropriate to their cases. The self-
should get more than a B grade
efforts of universities are to reduce
The government¡¯s budget is
according to a survey by the Korea
or freeze tuition and expand the
absurdly lacking as compared to
offerings of scholarships in their
schools. If universities make efforts
is still being argued in the political
to reduce the tuition fees of about
communities and highly desired by
750 billion won as the government
the students. To implement the High
expects, all students can benefit
regardless of their family income.
won is required. The government¡¯s
Korea has an odd education
Tuition fees will be reduced by 5
current easing plan for university
percent or about 0.38 million won a
shoulder most education fees. In
year on average. Assuming that the
which is about one-fourth of the
the problem of the high-priced
two parts of the plans and the self-
original High Price Tuition Policy
university tuition, students and their
efforts of universities are practiced,
budget. Moreover, the government¡¯s
all students can benefit by a 22
budget of 1.5 trillion won includes
costs. In addition, the government
the 330 billion won budget for
shifts the responsibilities for areas
the current national scholarships
such as bankrolls or investment
provided by the Korea Student Aid
to universities. According to an
Foundation. The new support fund
announcement by the Organization
actually consists of only 1.17 trillion
for Economic Cooperation and
In addition, the scholarships
provided to support the poor are
costs paid by the governments of
1. Easingtuitionorexpansionof
attached with a condition that the
OECD nations is 1.1 percent of their
students should earn at least a B
gross domestic products (GDP).
As the benefits are being
average. Considering the situation
Conversely, Korea only pays 0.6
concentrated among the poor
of the poor, getting a B is not easy.
percent. However, Korea¡¯s ratio of
¡°Students whose families are in the
the amount that private citizens pay
not realize any change. According
low-income group suffer not only
for higher education is 1.9 percent.
to a report by the Korean Higher
This figure is quadruple that of the
Education Research Institute, poor
average OECD nations, which is
students are not the only ones
they are under the worst conditions
only 0.5 percent. Korean private
suffering from high-priced tuition,
to study. The government¡¯s policy
citizen¡¯s burdens for this education
but are also joined by middle class
ignores their realities and is just an
have remained the highest in the
students as well. For example, in a
armchair argument,¡± said Ban Sang-
world for the last eleven years.
fifth income level household whose
jin, a professor of the Department
¡°Fundamentally, government should
family income is 3.17 million won
of Education at Chonbuk National
a month, the yearly tuition fee
University. In fact, according to a
In this inadequate situation in which
accounted for twenty one percent
the private burden accounts for the
of their income in 2010. Only in the
Research Institute, only 19 percent
largest part of the higher education

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