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22 IndepthonCampus
why they are against it is that it is a
is currently administered in seven
languages: English, French, German,
A lot of HUFSans doubt whether it is
It has been carried out since 1999, and
it is quite annoying. Especially, those
consists of three examinations: listening
who have to obtain certification in a
and reading, speaking, and writing.
language other than English, have to
Many government organizations,
including the Ministry of Education,
although they do not need the language
Science, and Technology, and that of
for their careers or are just plainly not
Foreign Affairs and Trade, and a lot
of companies and public enterprises,
For certification, a lot of students
such as Samsung Electronics, Korean
attend academic institutes for which
Air, and Korea Electronic Power
require of their students? Pusan
they spend a lot of time and money. In
University of Foreign Studies demands
May, a HUFSan who is majoring in
that its students take an English test for
Social Science and double majoring in
According to the survey, 54.2 percent
English Literature posted his complaint
of 939 HUFSans said they do not know
scores on public language certificates
on Hufslife, a community website for
what the advantage of FLEX is, while
than their department demands, or win
HUFSans, saying that he is attending
36.5 percent responded that FLEX is
a nationwide English contest, or have
an academic institute to study French
meaningful only as it is our university¡¯s
in order to meet the requirement for his
own certificate or test. In contrast,
46.7 percent of 949 HUFSans said a
French, I am worried about passing the
disadvantage of FLEX is its public
in its language center, or are foreigners,
certification test. I have only finished
confidence. The next disadvantage they
they do not need to take the English
claim is the quality of the test itself.
In addition, 54.1 percent of 930
Regarding this problem, a freshman of
College and Kyongbuk University
HUFSans replied that the most
the Department of Russian said when
of Foreign Studies do not demand
unsatisfactory thing regarding certifi
she was taking the Russian FLEX for
certification of a foreign language from
cation is that all language certifications
entrance to the university, she and her
their students. Only HUFS requires its
except English require only a FLEX
friends noticed grammatical errors on
students to show their second language
score. The second thing that annoys
the test as they had lived in Russia for
them is that the minimum score the
departments or colleges demand is
The Director of the FLEX Center,
quite high. The College of Chinese
Professor Park Jeong-woon, said that all
on the Seoul campus, for example,
the professors who make questions for
demands only a FLEX score and the
College of Japanese also demands only
any errors by evaluating the questions
The purpose of certification is so that
a FLEX score, other than HSK and
HUFSans can be proficient at foreign
JLPT score. Last year, a HUFSan who
languages right after graduation.
majored in Business Administration
He said FLEX has been praised as it
However, according to a survey
and double majored in Chinese delayed
appraises actual language performance.
conducted from May 11 through May
his graduation because his FLEX score
However, as FLEX is considered a bit
17 by The Argus, through e-mail, 49.5
on Chinese was lower than the college
difficult compared to other tests. The
percent of 989 HUFSans replied that
university is trying to lower the level
certification for the requirement of
of difficulty so that more people can
graduation is needed, while 43 percent
take FLEX without hesitation and also
responded that it is not necessary. 76.2
HUFSans can pass the certification
for their graduation with more ease
the certification said the major reason
FLEX was developed by HUFS and
than before. ¡°TEPS (Test of English

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