22ÆäÀÌÁö º»¹®½ÃÀÛ

20 CoverStory
decided to cut the tuition fees by
right to know how the university uses
percent decrease. At last, they ended
2.2 percent, but they do not know
their tuition fees. The Vice President
up with a seven percent reduction
how it is to be done. Students think
through negotiation, which shows that
that it is the faculty members and
for Higher Education said, ¡°The
the university and the students had
student representatives¡¯ job to earn
university needs to consider its policy
decreases in tuition fees, not theirs.
on the Tuition Fee Committee. And
A sophomore from the Department
the budget meetings should be open
of Public Administration asked, ¡°Did
to not only student representatives,
our university even have a Tuition
but to all students.¡± She added, ¡°That
Seoul Campus is temporarily absent
Fee Committee?¡± Like this student,
would rebuild confidence in students
from the General Student Council.
many students do not recognize the
when discussing a range of issues
The Emergency Committee was
importance of the process in fixing
concerning tuition fees. Our students
formed but it did not undergo a
are not in elementary, middle, or
transfer from the last 45th General
high school, but are young adults at
Student Council to the new one. The
university. Opening the university¡¯s
head of the Emergency Committee
budget meetings is the basis of the
said, ¡°Our Committee consists of the
students¡¯ right.¡± As mentioned before,
leaders from six colleges (College of
Kyunghee University decided to
Business and Economics, Division
broadcast their tuition fee meetings
of International Studies, College of
The Tuition Fee Committee should
in order to persuade its members that
Social Sciences, College of Law,
not stop but should become more
College of Japanese, College of
systematic and plan meetings with
much greater preparation. Assemblies
that conduct important business, such
While Global Campus General
not properly doing their job because
Student Council has raised the
they find it hard to focus on the work
follow transparent processes. Also,
question for the minutes of the
fourth meeting, the Seoul Campus
The Emergency Committee on
written after the meeting is done,
Emergency Committee has not. In
the Seoul Campus did not see any
but documents that show the content
order to form a more systematic
problems in the report of the fourth
of a meeting in detail to all those
meeting when the errors came up
interested. When looking at the third
and the General Student Council at
minutes, it states that, ¡°Team Leader
Global Campus did not confirm the
of Budget Coordination Team makes
errors. The term of the Emergency
a position in tuition fees reduction
Committee of Seoul Campus will
that students argue for.¡± This is not
expire in March when re-election
takes place, which shows that the
state the exact percent the students
demanded, and what position Team
its business responsibly compared to
Leader has made. The way Kyunghee
the General Student Council that is
in office for only one year. Thus, the
absence of Seoul Campus General
Student Council is one reason for the
weak voice for the students in fixing
The university should open all of
its meetings to people curious about
Students know that HUFS has
drafting the budget. Students have the
¡ãSchool members have to turn light off before

22ÆäÀÌÁö º»¹®³¡

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