21ÆäÀÌÁö º»¹®½ÃÀÛ

Reportage 19
can offer to teach their philosophies
the homeless people would have an
of living to homeless people. Not only
interest or not. But now, as we see, it is
are cultural studies such as philosophy,
successful and they actively participate
literature, history and art offered to
with a will,¡± said Lee Jeung-hun, a
the homeless to help their self-esteem,
manager of the center. This program
but also administration and financial
has been offered for three years now.
Through this program, twenty four
people graduated in 2009 and twenty
nine in 2010. This year, forty four
students have registered for classes and
After dinner on Sept. 20, the class
¡°Why are people poor, and why do
began. Many homeless people who
they stay poor? Rich people learn the
live in the center work during the day
The satisfaction about the humanities
humanities and benefit from them to
and study at night. It must be difficult
class is high. By studying humanities,
enjoy culture,¡± said a prisoner who was
to study after hard work such as day
the homeless people not only improve
labor, but their eyes were shining with
their understanding of the world, but
enthusiasm. ¡°Everyone has a sky to
also develop a positive view. Moreover,
conversation with the prisoner, created
open their umbrella,¡± began Sin Hyeon-
an experimental program called the
seol, a professor of the Humanities
and can recover their self-esteem. As
Clemente Courses that has taught the
College of Kyung Hee University,
a matter of fact, they cannot change
humanities to poor people since 1995,
quoting an expression from a poem
immediately by simply studying the
giving them the means to reflect and
entitled Choice of Life. ¡®Choice of life
negotiate rather than react. Shorris has
and hope¡¯ was the title of the lecture.
understanding through the humanities,
argued that this is due to poor people¡¯s
He further communicated, ¡°Hope is
lack political power or their inability
not a piece of good luck, but what you
to participate fully in the public world.
can choose. Likewise, your life can
Knowing only the immediacy and
be changed through your design and
oppression of force, the poor remain
effort.¡± The lecture was different from
trapped and isolated. Through this
a common humanities class which is
course, the poor studied liberal arts
usually based on academic interest.
However, the knowledge of his life
so on. The results were nothing short
and private experiences aroused the
of astonishing as the majority of the
homeless people¡¯s sympathy. ¡°Actually,
students were motivated and reached
the main purpose of the lecture is not
to widen their intellectual horizon, but
began working, and reunited with their
to afford the people a chance to think
families. Many Clemente Courses have
about themselves to ultimately help
sprung up across the country since the
hand to mouth, they do not even have
Rene Descartes once argued that ¡®I
time for self-examination. By studying
think, therefore I am.¡¯ In this sense,
the humanities, they can ask themselves
thinking is essential to being a human
The education of the humanities to
questions about their lives,¡± mentioned
being. We must support the homeless,
the homeless is now modeled after the
not just from a material aspect, but also
Clemente Course. Through education,
the poor can be seriously introspective
nourishment. The study of humanities
of their own lives and have a positive
which seeks the truth about human
self-esteem. The Salvation Army Self
¡°When we first started this program,
Support Housing Welfare Center,
the Humanities of Hope, we were
skeptical and worried about whether

21ÆäÀÌÁö º»¹®³¡

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