20ÆäÀÌÁö º»¹®½ÃÀÛ

Cover Story
The most important factor is in the
hands of the school, which is to share
a long-term blueprint with the students
and actually include students in the
decision-making process. A reform that
everybody can agree to can be made
For example, Chung-Ang University
school system as well. In November
members¡¯ opinions, and announced a
restructuring plan on Nov. 15. After
eight days of evaluation, the Operating
¡ã StudentsfromCollegeofEducationprotestinfrontofthePresident¡¯soffice.
a public hearing was held on campus.
The final restructuring plan will be
changes and follow the reorganizations,
announced on Jan. 20 after a long and
when there is no kind of notice or
The MOE and many other influential
university evaluations include
In addition, the reason for Chung-
Rather, the short-term notices and
employment rates in their assessment.
Ang University¡¯s restructuring is to
sudden changes create a perception
In the case of the MOE¡¯s University
follow the MOE¡¯s policy of reducing
that the school is merely following
Evaluation items, the post-graduation
admissions quotas. As a whole, Chung-
society¡¯s trends. This actually is partly
employment rate accounts for up to 15
Ang University¡¯s case can be applied to
true, when looking into the reason why
percent of the evaluation and this is the
the school decided to restructure the
second largest single factor among the
restructuring and in terms of accepting
College of Education. According to
evaluation items. Employment rates
Kim, a student from the Department
are also deeply related to a university¡¯s
of French Education, the students were
reputation. Due to these matters,
What the school aims to do through
informed that the reason for the quota
universities find it hard to ignore the
the changes it is making has not been
reduction was because there have been
specifically conveyed to the students,
barely any job openings for French and
As professor Yoon Ji-kwan said,
German teachers in Korea in the past
¡°Employment rates take up a large
few years. ¡°Founding a Department of
ratio of government branches¡¯ college
that there is a problem to solve
evaluations. This is one of the main
rather than focusing on making new
reasons why colleges are turning into
departments and closing unpopular
employment institutions. This attitude
ones, and this is also what students
with the logics of the market, not the
of the government and the evaluations
have been wanting for a long time. The
pure academic nature of studies. This
is why students cannot agree with the
In other words, HUFS cannot help but
positive change in attitude so that they
restructuring,¡± said Kim. He added
continuously update its school system
can make reforms every member of
that the school¡¯s use of market logic to
in order to make sure a large ratio of
establish and close departments should
students are employed. This can only
be done by creating departments in the

20ÆäÀÌÁö º»¹®³¡

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