20ÆäÀÌÁö º»¹®½ÃÀÛ

Cover Story
and Netherlands¡¯ by the Korea Labor
therefore not content with the hiring
The Park administration¡¯s efforts
and Society Institute, Germany and
flexible part-timers because it does not
to create flexible part-time jobs and
Netherlands have also attempted it as a
function as a catalyst for their further
the new system¡¯s objectives place
high-quality employment alternative at
growth and moreover, it gives them a
a high emphasis on addressing the
of work. The new employment policy
and discrimination against them within
No consideration of the nation¡¯s
does not favor small and medium-
sized businesses and manufacturing
with jobs through flexible part-time
Existing employment policies contain
companies whose prospects are very
tackle those problems. First, in regards
put into effect. For instance, under the
to the career discontinuation of women,
former president, Lee Myung-bak¡¯s
the root cause is female employees¡¯
administration, a move to increase
In order to activate flexible part-time
childcare burden. It is true that via the
the employment of students with
job employment, the government is
system, mothers can manage raising
high school degrees started, but as
going not only to offer incentives like a
children and working at the same time
flexible part-time job scheme is put
tax privilege and $800 in aid, but also
into action, the move has decreased.
to assign a certain number of flexible
3 p.m., which is the time that children
Also, the issues of discrimination
are at school. The problem is that,
Spontaneity and self-motivation are
insufficient and companies¡¯ compulsory
the hours they pick to work will not
without addressing such problems, the
acts according to a quota provided by
always be available. In this sense, the
government came up with yet another
the government sometimes evokes
system does not ease the childcare
side effects. For one, recently, E-mart
burden, a reason why a great number
has announced that it will change the
of married women give up their careers
AlbaChunguk, a portal site that
status of workers who were once non-
in Korea. If the government looks to
collaborates with Findjob, conducted
regular workers, but later changed to
ease career discontinuation among
research on the actual economic
standard employees, into flexible part-
women, it has to further improve the
sentiment of small and medium-sized
timers. E-mart¡¯s decision has raised a
environment of childcare classes which
businesses in the first half of 2014.
offer children place to stay until their
The result was that a greater number
of respondents predict that there will
School Contingent Workers Union
be more improvement than the last
stated in a conference held at the Seoul
year. The manufacturing industry is
Metropolitan Office of Education that,
coming into the spotlight around the
The first reason behind the concern
¡°One teacher in a childcare class has to
world; U.S. President Barack Obama
with flexible part-time job policy is that
care for 25 students for 8 hours which
encouraged global manufacturing
the government neglected the fact that
questions the quality of after-class care
companies to expand in the country,
Korea has different corporate cultures
and children who do not participate in
Japan is now preparing a national
than those of European countries where
the policy has succeeded. The average
after-class programs in schools have
policy to boost the competiveness of
to stay in a childcare class for 5 hours.
their local manufacturing industry,
working hours for Korean employees
is 2200 hours per year which is high
This takes a toll on teachers¡¯ emotional
and Germany has started a plan,
health.¡± Second, the quality of work
¡¯Industry 4.0¡¯, which was established to
above the average hours suggested
by the Organization for Economic
deteriorates and problems associated
enhance the productivity of production
with low wages will occur if Korea
processes in manufacturing companies.
Cooperation and Development (OECD).
A culture of overtime allowance and
follows the same course of events
Likewise, many countries are on their
that took place in European countries
way to innovate and revive the local
night duty within local companies are
the contributing factors. If flexible part-
where flexible part-time jobs were first
introduced. According to a research
paper, ¡®Flexible part-time employment¡¯s
Small and medium-sized businesses
and manufacturing industries are
conflicts between them and full-time

20ÆäÀÌÁö º»¹®³¡

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