20ÆäÀÌÁö º»¹®½ÃÀÛ

Indepth on National
Culture have been abolished, with new
I can decide my future course.¡± Such
institutions, producing 87 Novel Prize
departments such as Department of
winners so far. Benchmarking this
Aircraft Service (tentative) replacing
preference for students majoring in
successful case, Pusan University has
them. In case of Paichai Institutes of
¡®practical¡¯ studies. According to a
set up a course where students have
Arts, the school has abolished major of
research by Incruit, a recruiting portal,
to read classical works and debate on
classical music, replacing it with major
them during class. With schools making
of applied music. In respect of such
business administration, economics,
such gradual progress, the society also
changes, Yun-jin, professor of Chung-
has to recognize the importance of
fundamental studies. This is not just for
outrageous that these departments are
short-term results. ¡°Apple has always
being abolished because of their low
existed between technology and liberal
employment rates. Universities exist
These days, universities are considered
arts,¡± Steve Jobs, former president of
for professors as well as for students to
merely institute for breeding future
Apple Incorporate, had also stressed
conduct long term researches. Such rash
the importance of liberal arts. Based
actions might weaken the sense of duty
it seems to be willing to do anything
on a philosophy course that he took
to continue research in their fields.¡± If
that will raise the employment rates,
during his time in college, he was
so, such tendency would eventually lead
including abolishing departments. It
able to come up with the idea to add
to weaker national competitiveness in
cannot be said that a university is not
Kerning and Quark Xpress functions in
poorly managed, when it is abolishing
his first Macintosh. Mark Zuckerberg,
founder of Facebook, has also been
it is wrong for a university to abolish
raising questions: Is Facebook simply
these majas to increase the employment
a technology firm? Such question is
In order to sort out universities with
result. Schools should realize that there
based on his knowledge in liberal arts.
poor management, the government
are alternatives to raise employment
carries out inspection on their
rates. Wonkwang University, for
employment rate in June and December
example, had implemented a system
annually. This is why many universities
where full time recruiting experts help
Kim Sam hoo, member of KHEI, said,
have chosen to undergo radical
students prepare their resumes and
modifications and focus on achieving
cover letters, provide advices on job
short-term results. Not only that, there
interviews and so on. As a result, the
through fundamental studies. This is
is also the general tendency throughout
university which had been named as
our society for neglecting foundational
one of the poorly-managed institutes
studies. The foreign-exchange crisis of
in 2012, had been able to bail out the
1997, better known as simply ¡°IMF,¡±
dishonor in merely a year by increasing
had triggered unlimited competition
its employment rate from 45.2% to
and consequentialism for survival in the
66.8%. Universities should also have
Korean society. As foundational studies
long-term perspectives in encouraging
are relatively more difficult to produce
liberal studies. Chicago University¡¯s
¡®Chicago plan¡¯ is a good example. For
nearly 30 years, the university has been
regarded as a third-tier school. When
in high school because that way would
Robert Maynard Hutchins became
the new president of the Institution,
he came up with the ¡®The Great Book
is Korean history, it is regarded difficult
Program,¡¯ encouraging students to
to pursue a career in that,¡± Kim Jin-seo,
read 100 classical works of liberal arts.
student of Haeundae Girls¡¯ High School
He also had each student select a role
said, ¡°even on portal sites, I can find
model for themselves from the books.
various posts advising on ¡®better majors
As a result, Chicago University has
in getting jobs.¡¯ Based on that, I think
become one of the most prominent

20ÆäÀÌÁö º»¹®³¡

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