19ÆäÀÌÁö º»¹®½ÃÀÛ

Culture Focus
amount of time to get out of shock when they find out
about their disease, and they often didn¡¯t accept any
to go on business trip to China due to HIV, people
with HIV experience many personal and social losses,
service, ¡°I¡± soothed
including loss of employment, loss of health, loss of
his loneliness by
economic ability, loss of social support, loss of family
dating a male civil
and friends, loss of self-esteem and loss of physical
servant named
ability. Most HIV patients suffer from severe stress due
¡°K.¡± However, K,
to loss of physical ability and lack of social support. In
who was living a
fact, the average depression score in the HIV-positive
promiscuous life
patient group was 10.33¡¾3.01, which was found to be
while carrying the
significantly higher than that of 5.40¡¾2.18 in the healthy
AIDS (acquired
control group. As readers can notice from the figures.
immune deficiency
HIV-infected people are more stressed than usual and
syndrome) virus. What should be noted is the attitude
are not adapting well to society. In addition, family
of ¡°I¡± to the AIDS virus. AIDS is a disease known to
support was also significantly lower than that of the *
be impossible to cure once one is infected, and AIDS
patients go through psychological and social difficulties
is not socially criticized, or the normal control group.
severity of the problem by nicknaming the virus in his
prejudice and hatred against HIV and the patient¡¯s own
body ¡°Kylie¡± and also seems to accept AIDS as part of
avoidance behavior. The lower the family support, the
day.¡± But as the story progresses, some sentences like
the self-esteem, and the worse the depression, and the
¡°Kylie caught up with me again,¡± and ¡°I felt like Kylie,
who was usually a daily blur broke into my life¡± reveal
¡°If you feel burdened, it¡¯s actually natural to give me
the speaker¡¯s depression and helplessness as he realizes
up. So, you can just go.¡± ¡°I¡± confesses his illness to his
the reality. By seeing these features of ¡°I,¡± readers can
new lover and says if he feels burdened, he can leave
whenever he wants. Giving up love due to illness can
confirm the psychological deprivation and alienation
¡°Unlike other disease names, AIDS and HIV have a
mixture of people¡¯s fears and unpleasant perceptions
of disease and homosexuality.¡± said Kang Ji-hee, a
*Hematopoietic stem cells: They are the mother cells that help produce
literary critic who wrote the commentary on ¡°Love in
the Big City.¡± ¡°Therefore, naming can be an effective
strategy that prevents people from being easily sucked
into society¡¯s negative perceptions.¡± As Kang said, it is
not only physical discomfort that HIV patients have to
face. The psychological pain and prejudices that they
must endure in the contemptuous gaze of society hinder
their social adaptation. According to a study on ¡°Stress,
Behavior and Psychosocial Adaptation of HIV/AIDS
Patients¡± at Hanyang University¡¯s Graduate School of
Public Policy, many HIV patients need a considerable
MAY 2022

19ÆäÀÌÁö º»¹®³¡

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