19ÆäÀÌÁö º»¹®½ÃÀÛ

Indepth on National
unilateral and too radical. Recently,
the student president of Department
According to article 28 of the Higher
there had been a strife between Chung-
of Comparative Folklore Studies, said
Education Act, universities are required
Ang University and its students. The
¡°we had not been aware of the school¡¯s
to assist in helping students to establish
University had decided to abolish four
decision until it was reported on the
their character, teach those who wish
departments including the department
school paper. We had been trying to
to learn academic theories as well its
of Comparative Folklore Studies,
communicate with the school but have
application in order to contribute to the
Child Welfare, Youth, and Family
been repeatedly rejected.¡± Park Hyeon-
progress of human society. And through
Welfare. However, the students of each
all of these, universities should aim to
Welfare, said that the would-be-students
changes in advance. Jeong Tae-yeong,
for next year were anxious and resented
Kim Sam-hoo, member of the Korean
the decision, especially those who had
Higher Education Research Institute
been hoping to major in the soon-to-be-
(KHEI), said ¡°university is a place for
studying and learning specialized areas
He also added that the students should
of studies in order to become a member
be respected the right to learn and
of the society with knowledge and
virtue. Also, it is unversity that enables
creative productions based on studying
Choi Yun-jin, professor of Department
However, universities now are
notice from the school has mocked both
unable to carry out these initial goals
the students and faculty members. The
when they focus on producing profit
by abolishing seemingly unpopular
as well.¡± Chung-Ang University is
departments. Short-sighted, universities
not the only one in such strives. A
are prioritizing the employment rate of
similar case was witnessed in Dongguk
students over everything else. This is
University recently as well. In protest
because employment rate has become
to modifications in the school systems,
the most visual index in measuring
some students had occupied the office
the institution¡¯s quantitative growth.
They also seemed to place more
importance in effectiveness these days.
Another problem of such changes
As a result, they have started to abolish
is in its intentions and results, which
departments deemed unpopular with
causes negligence of pure academic
low employment rate. For example,
studies. Universities have been taking a
in Paichai University, departments
wrong stand in running their institute.
such as France Culture and German
JUNE 2013

19ÆäÀÌÁö º»¹®³¡

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