18ÆäÀÌÁö º»¹®½ÃÀÛ

Culture Focus
2022, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson struck
down ¡°conversion therapy ban¡± legislation. Conversion
Therapy Ban is a bill that makes conversion treatment
illegal for LGBTs under the age of 18 and those who
lack decision-making ability and allows those who
¡°I¡± becomes a senior in college and takes care of
enforce it to be sentenced to up to three years in prison.
his mother who suffers from cancer. His mother is a
Several organizations, including the United Nations, the
center-right and devout Christian who is in her 50s and
World Medical Association, and the American Medical
considers sexual minorities abnormal. When ¡°I¡± was a
Association, publicly issued a statement to prohibit
middle school student, his mother caught him kissing a
conversion therapy in 2021, and countries such as
Germany, Brazil, Taiwan, the U.S., and Canada are also
had various tests every morning including blood tests,
implementing conversion therapy ban. Amid numerous
and I took more than eight pills for each meal.¡± Society
is changing, but there are still parents who want to deny
scientific and unethical conversion therapy, the British
their children¡¯s sexual orientation in extreme ways, such
government¡¯s decision has been seen as a regression of
as using conversion therapy* or ¡°homosexual treatment
should be remembered that no bill has yet been enacted
In 2016, the shocking story of A, a sexual minority in
his 20s, was revealed at a press conference held by the
Conversion Therapy Network in Korea. The families of
health said in Kyunghyang Shinmun, ¡°It is time to raise
awareness in Korea not to permit conversion therapy
therapy, saying he needed treatment. Eventually, A,
in the name of ¡°help¡± for LGBT people, and collective
who received conversion treatment, suffered verbal and
physical abuse several times by family members and
¡°Don¡¯t tell anyone. It¡¯s a shame.¡± That¡¯s what Sang-
religious officials in the process, and barely escaped the
young¡¯s mother said to ¡°I¡± who was discharged from
scene and asked human rights organizations for help.
Over this incident, the Conversion Therapy Network
people, showing parents and society treating LGBT
found in a survey that 2.6% of 1,072 sexual minorities
experienced conversion therapy forced by their families
or religious people. As readers can see from the case,
*Conversion therapy: Conversion therapy is a treatment that claims to
change individual¡¯s sexual orientation from homosexual or bisexual to
the idea that sexual minorities can be transformed into
¡°normal¡± through treatment remains, and even some
decline in LGBT human rights is noticeable. In April

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