18ÆäÀÌÁö º»¹®½ÃÀÛ

16 Feature
wayto demonstrationunderMartialLaw.
Although the students were
On April 19, it all came to a
triumphant in changing the politics
boil. Even worse, Lee Ki-boong
of Korea, the consequences of the
demonstrations somehow played
protesters. Dozens of students were
wrongfully everywhere. Moreover,
killed and hundreds were wounded.
the nation fell into a polarization
When journalists questioned the
of politics and society that lead to
wisdom of this move, Lee brazenly
a period of considerable political
responded, ¡°After all, we gave
guns to the police so they can
even with the honest and intelligent
shoot.¡± Despite the deployment of
leader, Chang-myeon, ended in May
the military, artillery and armored
vehicles, the demonstrations only
While most praised the courageous
grew larger, and at times, violent
resistance to Rhee¡¯s corrupt
government, some critically
goes, the jig was finally up for the
examined the consequences of
administration when 259 professors
the 4.19 Revolution that failed to
revolution was in the efforts of
of universities in Seoul participated
maintain a liberalized democratic
how to take up the revolution¡¯s
in peaceful parades with the slogan
goal, which failed. After the 4.19
¡°Respond to the sacrificed students¡¯
According to Kang Jung-man,
Revolution, however, Koreans
blood,¡± on April 25 and asked
author of A Brief of Modern Korean
guaranteed basic rights that had
for the resignation of the whole
History - Hankuk Hyundaesa
been put off in the Constitution and
administration and representatives
Sanchaek, the role of nationalism in
legislated a special act to punish
including President Rhee. Lee Ki-
the 4.19 Revolution that praised the
anti-democracy severely. Also, for
bung¡¯s family committed mass
voluntary sacrifice of young students
the first time, civilians asked for
suicide on 26 April. That same
in the name of patriotism swung
inquiries into the actual state of
day, President Rhee announced his
the other way. He finds the success
things about massacring civilians.
resignation and the dissolution of his
of the military coup d¡¯etat of 1961
These experiences eventually helped
notorious political party, the Liberty
a direct result from the students¡¯
Koreans make sense about human
Party. Finally, the 4.19 Revolution
overwhelming excitement about
shifted political power from the
nationalism, which eventually let
Liberty Party to its most powerful
of Korea overthrew a dictatorship by
citizen power. The student protests
the resignation of the government,
helped the triumphant moment of
including President Rhee, during the
citizens¡¯ justice to be written into
4.19 Revolution. Because university
Korean hearts that grew into the
students who were emancipated
break following demonstrations after
by elitism could not develop their
the Korean-Japanese rapprochement
in 1964, the Yushin Constitution of
he tracks down why the students
1974, and the Military government
of 1978, which at last established
The unfolding of history is not
the current and the longest lasting
always great and perfect, however.
The significant meaning of the
Today, with the spread of the

18ÆäÀÌÁö º»¹®³¡

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