17ÆäÀÌÁö º»¹®½ÃÀÛ

to turn his gaze upon themselves. Christopher Lasch, the author
fulfilling these two functions of mirroring and acting as an
of ¡°The Culture of Narcissism¡± used narcissism to diagnose a
object with whom the child can psychically merge will become
life. Lasch said ¡°Narcissism was the echo of such qualities in
internalize particular qualities of self-objects on the road to a
the fascination with fame and celebrity, the fear of competition,
mature, healthy interdependence. Contrariwise, when caregivers
the inability to suspend disbelief, the shallowness and transitory
do not fulfill either or both of these functions, a disorder of
quality of personal relations, the horror of death.¡± If so, the
the self is more likely to develop. Addiction may be viewed as
culture of selca implies that psychopathology driven by social
According to Kohut, the development of a healthy self occurs
If so, are contemporary
along three axes: the grandiosity axis, the idealization axis
p e ople exp ose d to
and the alter-ego-connectedness axis. He explains ¡°The first
psychopathology? Is
refers to the ability of the individual to sustain a stable sense of
narcissism a bad thing we
self-esteem, develop ambitions and purposes. In this axis, the
should indeed root out from
individual needs the self-object to mirror him or her, defined as
our society? Heinz Kohut
a kind of feedback in which the individual is praised for their
set forth a counterargument
qualities and accomplishments.¡± Kohut maintained that children
to Freud, ¡°If narcissism is
maturely developed, it turns
this function is fulfilled well by the parent, it leads to a healthy
into creativity, sympathy, a
sense of grandiosity and fulfillment of early narcissistic needs.¡±
capacity of finite elements, a
sense of humor and sagacity.¡±
Contrary to Freud¡¯s theory
that libido cannot diverge,
Kohut maintained that libido
the child should be both admired by one or both parents and
¡ã¡°Heinz Kohut and the Psychology
toward oneself and an object
identify with them to the point of feeling that, through these
of the Self¡± by Allen M. Siegel
simultaneously keeps lifelong
special relationships, they are associated with these admirable
explains Kohut¡¯s difficult theory
interactions. Of course, Kohut
qualities.¡± He also said, ¡°the alter-ego-connectedness axis
also concedes narcissism can
refers to the development of a person¡¯s ability to be authentic
by communicating feelings to significant others and thereby to
of narcissism developing affirmatively. It depends upon how
form intimate relationships. The child¡¯s environment should be
grandiose the self-image is, how great the desire to be admired
such that he feels invited to be part of the group, to feel similar
is, and to what degree they are integrated with realistic goals.
If self-aggrandizement is not attacked by disappointments
individual experiences himself as understood and accepted by
and integrated in a reality-oriented structure, the ego enjoys
activities accompanied with confidence and feels a sense of
To sum it up, people should set a realistic goal to realize the
fantasy of self-aggrandizement, not to indulge in excessive self-
Kohut emphasizes the role of self-object, on which individuals
desirable narcissism. These are the times when they have to
function of the self-object is attained when the parent confirms
in contemporary society. They should keep in mind that efforts
and responds to the child¡¯s inner sense of ¡°vigor, greatness and
to narrow the gaps between reality and ideals are truly ways of
perfection.¡± This way of responding is called ¡°mirroring.¡± The
second function is met when the child values the parent as one
he can look up to and with whom he can merge as an image
of ¡°calmness, infallibility and omnipotence.¡± As we shall see,

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