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today focus 1
he admission ceremony and welcoming festival for freshmen for the 2013 academ
ic year was held at Olympic Hall of Olympic Park at 2:00 pm on Wednesday, Feb
ruary 20, 2013.
The admission ceremony was a festival congratulating the incoming students, their paren
ts, and the entire HUFS family. The first part of the admission ceremony was presided by
Dean of Academic Affairs of the Seoul Campus Kim Dae-seong and proceeded with a de
HUFS, ¹Ù·Î ÀÌ °÷¿¡¼­ ½ÃÀÛÇ϶ó
claration on admission permission by President Park Chul, an oath by a freshman repres
entative, honor oath by the freshmen, award of scholarships to outstanding students, and
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congratulatory messages by President Park Chul and Chairman of the Alumni Associati
on Kwon Soon-han.
The welcoming festival for freshmen, the second part of the admission ceremony, was pr
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esided by KBS announcer Jang Woong (Graduate School of Business, class of 1997) and
MBC announcer Cha Ye-rin (Dept. of English Interpretation and Translation, class of
2007). The event began with a ¡°sand animation¡± performance and featured congratulato
ry video clips made by diplomats stationed in Korea and other alumni. The festive atmos
phere heightened with a media performance, a laser show, and a congratulatory perform
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ance by vocalist Yoon Ha (Dept. of Japanese Language, class of 2007) and student clubs
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of each department. The event served as an opportunity to bask in the pride and a sense
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of belonging as a part of the HUFS community to some 3,000 freshmen and their paren
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ts, who filled the Olympic Hall.
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