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In-depth on Culture
Solution1 Selectionofmusicaltermsandwinnersthatrespectdifferentraces
¡°The Grammys started in America, where racism is deeply rooted,¡± Professor
Lee Hyun-song said. There are two main ways to solve this right now. The first
is to change the racist term to another. A movement to replace the expression
¡°urban music,¡± which used to refer only to black music, with other terms has
recently occurred in the American pop music world. The word ¡°urban¡± does not
recognize black artists as mainstream American music, but instead separates and
underestimates them as only black culture. Accordingly, the Recording Academy
renamed the best urban contemporary album category, which was the black music
category, to the best progressive R&B album category starting with the 2021
However, even though the racist term was changed, additional solutions are
needed to solve the discriminatory award issues. In response, Professor Lee Ji-
young said that if BTS wins the 2021 Grammy Awards, the controversy about
racism in the Grammys can be quenched. According to her, ¡°As the proportion
of BTS in the American pop music has gradually increased, their musicality and
did not recognize BTS, has increased. Perhaps because of the voice of the public,
the Grammys invited BTS as an award presenter in 2019 and as a featured singer
in 2020. The ratings of the Grammy Awards have been decreasing, but these two
¡°In addition, when the public in the U.S. began to criticize the Grammys, BTS
was finally nominated for the 2021 Grammy Awards after not being nominated
in previous years. This nomination was a big change in the Grammys. However,
people of color, saying that BTS, which could be nominated for the general field,
was nominated for only one genre field. However, if BTS wins at least one of the
Grammy Awards in 2021, the position and opportunity of people of color in the
Grammys will increase.¡± The award of BTS, an Asian group that sings Korean
Solution2 Voterswithnewperspectivesregardlessofgenre
the honor of becoming a voter. Professor Lee Hyun-song said, ¡°Among the three big music awards in the U.S., only the
Grammys select the winners by reflecting the votes of thousands of experts in the music industry. In addition, only the
Grammys are hosted by a music association made up of people in the pop music industry.¡± In other words, it is
Professor Lee Ji-young said, ¡°An open list of Grammy voters would be a good way to resolve

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