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President Barack Obama's
Special Address
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we stand together, we work together, we go together.
Come to this great university, where a new generation is
your parents and grandparents could only imagine.
Good morning. To President Park, faculty, staff and
at the core of our alliance?we stand together, and the
to meet shared challenges together?is what brings me
in our world. After a terrible war, a proud people was
This school has one
students, thank you for this very warm welcome. It
commitment of the United States to the defense and
to Seoul. Over the next two days, under President Lee¡¯s
divided. Across a fortified border armies massed, ready
of the world¡¯s finest foreign
is a great honor to be here at Hankuk University
security of the Republic of Korea will never waver.
leadership, we¡¯ll move ahead with the urgent work of
for war. For decades, it was hard to imagine a different
language programs.
of Foreign Studies. I thank Dr. Park for, a few
preventing nuclear terrorism by securing the world¡¯s
future. But the forces of history and the hopes of man
moments ago, making me an honorary alum. This
And I see the strength of our alliance in all of you.
nuclear materials. This is an important part of the
could not be denied. And today, the people of Germany
school has one of the world¡¯s finest foreign language
For decades, this school has produced leaders?
broader, comprehensive agenda that I want to talk with
are whole again?united and free.
programs. Your English is a lot better than my
public servants, diplomats, businesspeople?who¡¯ve
you about today?our vision of a world without nuclear
Korean. So let me just say, kamsa hamnida.
helped propel the modern miracle that is Korea.
No two places follow the same path. But this much
Transforming it from crushing poverty to one
is true. The currents of history cannot be held back
This is my third visit to the Republic of Korea as
of the world¡¯s most dynamic economies; from
forever. The deep longing for freedom and dignity will
President. I have now been to Seoul more times than to
authoritarianism to a thriving democracy; from a
I know there are those who deride our vision, who say
not go away. So too on this divided peninsula. The day
any other capital. This reflects the extraordinary bonds
country focused inward to a leader for security and
that ours is an impossible goal that will be forever out
all Koreans yearn for will not come easily or without
between our two countries and our commitment to
prosperity, in this region and around the world?a
of reach. But to anyone who doubts that great progress
great sacrifice. But make no mistake, it will come. And
each other. I¡¯m pleased that we¡¯re joined by so many
truly ¡°Global Korea.¡±
is possible, I say come to Korea. Come to this country,
when it does, change will unfold that once seemed
leaders, Koreans and Americans, who help keep us free
which rose from the ashes of war, turning rubble into
impossible. Checkpoints will open. Watchtowers will
and strong and prosperous every day. That includes our
To all the students here today, this is the Korea your
gleaming cities. Stand where I stood yesterday, along
stand empty. Families long separated will finally be
first Korean-American ambassador to the Republic of
generation will inherit. And I believe there is no limit
a border that is the world¡¯s clearest contrast between a
reunited. The Korean people, at long last, will be whole
And no matter the test,
Korea?Ambassador Sung Kim.
to what our two nations achieve together. For like your
country committed to progress and its people and one
and free.
no matter the trial, we stand
parents and grandparents before you, you know that the
that starves its own citizens.
I¡¯ve seen the deep connections between our peoples in
future is what we make it. And you know that in our
Like our vision of a world without nuclear weapons,
together, we work together,
my own life, among friends and colleagues. I¡¯ve seen it
digital age, we can connect and innovate across borders
Come to this great university, where a new
our vision of a Korea that stands as one may not be
we go together.
so many patriotic Korean Americans, including a man
like never before?with your smart phones and Twitter
generation is taking its place in the world, creating
reached quickly. But from this day until then, and all
Katchi kapshida!
born in this city of Seoul, who came to America and
and Me2Day and Kakao Talk. It¡¯s no wonder so many
opportunities that your parents and grandparents
the days that follow, we take comfort in knowing that
has dedicated his life to lifting up the poor and sick of
people around the world have caught the Korean Wave,
could only imagine. Come and see some of the
the security we seek, the peace we want, is closer at
the world. And last week I was proud to nominate him
courageous individuals who join us today?men and
hand because of the great alliance between the United
to lead the World Bank?Dr. Jim Yong Kim.
Or consider this. In advance of my visit, our embassy
women, young and old, born in the North, but who
States and the Republic of Korea, and because we stand
invited Koreans to send us your questions using social
left all they knew behind and risked their lives to find
for the dignity and freedom of all Koreans.
I¡¯ve seen our bonds in our men and women in uniform,
media. They called it Her ¡°Ask President Obama.¡± One
freedom and opportunity here in the South. In your life
And no matter the test, no matter the trial, we stand
like the American and Korean troops I visited yesterday
of them asked?and this is true: ¡°Have you, yourself,
stories we see the truth?Koreans are one people. And if
together, we work together, we go together.
along the DMZ?Freedom¡¯s Frontier. We salute their
ever posted a supportive opinion on a website under
just given the chance, if given their freedom, Koreans
Katchi kapshida!
service. We honor all those who have given their
a disguised name, pretending you are one of the
in the North are capable of great progress, too.
lives in our defense, including the 46 brave souls who
supporters of President Obama?¡± The truth is, I have
Looking out across the DMZ yesterday, looking into
Thank you very much.
perished aboard the Cheonan two years ago today.
not. But who knows, maybe my daughters have.
your eyes today, I¡¯m reminded of another country¡¯s
And in their memory we reaffirm the enduring promise
Our shared future?and the unprecedented opportunity
experience that speaks to the change that¡¯s possible
vol. 56

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