14ÆäÀÌÁö º»¹®½ÃÀÛ

Culture Focus
Joe and his wife and
spot on his forehead,
his sexual identity
in Andrew¡¯s siblings
quickly spreads at the
with heterosexual
firm. Andrew¡¯s forced
partners. It presents a
coming out* was
heterosexual family
inevitable, but just as
with lots of babies, of
importantly, Andrew¡¯s
¡ãAt this point in the movie, when
which homosexuals
history of hiding his
homosexuality is being severely
criticized, Andrew and Joe are
are biologically incapable, as the ideal standard of happiness.
sexuality was also
surrounded by a crowd of reporters and
It can be argued that the success of the movie is because it
inevitable. LGBTQ
avoids depicting homosexuality in a way that would make
people struggle with hiding their sexuality in the workplace.
According to a 2021 survey of 935 LGBTQ workers by
While ¡°Philadelphia¡± is significant for foregrounding the
Williams Institute at UCLA School of Law, 50.4 percent
topic of unfair dismissal on the basis of sexuality, it shows
had not told their superiors their gender identity or sexual
the limitations of not confronting the complex problems and
orientation. Also, 31.1 percent of respondents said that they
discrimination faced by LGBTQ people. In particular, the
had experienced discrimination or hatred at work in the past
happy ending of the trial in the movie restoring Andrew¡¯s
rights and honor oversimplifies the complicated problems of
LGBTQ communities. This may reflect contemporary U.S.
However, the workplace is literally a ¡°work¡± place. Is
society at the time and the lack of public discussion of that
there any duty to be open about being gay or not at work?
Do workers¡¯ private lives affect their public performance?
Andrew says at trial, ¡°You do not bring your personal life
really.¡± Whether gay or straight, there is no reason to bring
in any way. Excessive
Andrew does not come out as gay at work. The firm is a
interference in personal
conservative organization that judges employees down to
things is an invasion of
their earrings, and the executives are homophobes who mock
privacy and, if severe
homosexuals. If they had found out about Andrew¡¯s sexual
enough, tantamount
orientation, they would have penalized him in some way. The
to workplace bullying.
same goes for the fact that he is an AIDS patient. Although
According to a 2017
¡ãWhen Joe realizes that Andrew has
AIDS is a disease transmitted through an infected person¡¯s
survey by Korea Labor
blood, sperm, vaginal secretion, and breast milk, and has
nothing to do with sexual orientation, in the 1980s, it was
the cases of invasion of privacy in the workplace correspond
referred to as the ¡°gay disease¡± and ¡°gay cancer,¡± leading
to ¡°private life invasion.¡± Private life includes love affairs,
to unwarranted speculation and fear. Based on this, AIDS
was used as a means to discriminate against homosexuals:
homophobic protestors hold signs that read ¡°GAY: Got Aids
invasion in the workplace is not confined to LGBTQ people.
Andrew hides his illness by carrying out his given work
diligently, even if it means giving up his treatment. However,

14ÆäÀÌÁö º»¹®³¡

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