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fact that she cannot earn money due to her dismissal. The
vengeful mass dismissal
circumstance of Sun-hee in ¡°Cart¡± is similar. Sun-hee, who
against the labor union
works so hard like a fool - even working overtime every day
members who raised
without additional pay - gets a promise from the company to
Thankfully, the laborers
mart. Sun-hee, raising two kids with the money earned from
won at this trial, but the
case shows that unfair
¡ãThe movie ¡°Cart¡± is based on the
real story of workers at Homever and
The person who tells Sandra about the unfair dismissal and
¡ãSandra received a phone call, and
¡ãThe workers at the mart were fired
brings her to the boss and protests the injustice of the vote
is Sandra¡¯s colleague and friend, Juliette, in the movie ¡°Two
Why did the two protagonists of these movies receive
Days, One Night.¡± Sandra¡¯s husband also takes care of her
every time when she despairs and cheers her up when she
tries to give up persuading her colleagues. The support and
two movies dealing with the unfair dismissal of a laborer
encouragement of the people surrounding Sandra help her
are based on a true story. The movie ¡°Cart¡± is based on a
remain strong. Likewise, the movie ¡°Cart¡± also shows the
real story from 2006 when the ¡°nonregular employment
fellowship between the labor union members, which makes
protection legislation,¡± the law that requires companies to
them endure times of hopelessness and agony. The scene
change contract workers who worked more than two years
where union members wear pink group T-shirts and sing and
to permanent workers was passed. Major Korean company
dance together, and when they eat and laugh together in the
ELAND dismissed 700 laborers before the law went into
extreme situation of occupying the mart, show that they are
effect. The stories such as mart occupying, armed repression
by public power, and gangsters¡¯ attack to labor unions are all
real struggles that the workers of Homever, the mart brand
of ELAND, and Newcore, the outlet brand of ELAND, went
unlike Sandra in the movie. The irony between bonus and
reinstatement has given the laborer extreme pain. However,
this kind of one-way notifying dismissal is still prevalent in
¡ãSandra¡¯s colleague and husband are supporting her by fighting together
today¡¯s reality. Duwon, a manufacturing company of fuel
injection devices for diesel engines, fired 35 union members
who had been working for a long time in May 2021, citing
the 2021 management crisis. However, in the trial, the court
decided in the dismissed laborer¡¯s favor because the criteria
for selecting candidates to dismiss did not meet the objective
standards and social legitimacy, and they were not conducted
fairly. Lawyer Park Un-byeong, who defended this case, said
¡ãThe labor union members wearing the same clothes stand together and
in the Daily Labor News that the dismissal of Duwon was a

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