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12 VoiceofWisdom
¡°The Strongest of the
Information Age¡±
behind the recent emphasis on the
copyright. What is the relationship
between technological development and
contributory liability theory, vicarious
copyright? Professor Lawrence Lessig
liability theory and so on. Needless to
of the Stanford Law School answers,
say to protect copyright and technology
¡°Changing technology enforces us
development, we have to compromise
confront to choice.¡± In other words,
interests of copyright holders, online
we have to change either the law or the
service provider and P2P users. In this
viewpoint, the law of copyright needs
According to the development of
to be enforced electronically by the
technology in the culture industry,
Internet Service Providers, who operate
computer software industry, etc., the
the Internet and its backbone. The
need for drawing a clear line between
Digital Rights Management (DRM)
the author¡¯s right and the user¡¯s right
is a technological protection measure
while ago, my daughter
is increasing. For example, digital
graduated from college. A
technology combined with the Internet
stated in the Copyright Act from the
graduation ceremony of an
is operating as a massive copying
illegal infringements without proper
Ivy League institution that I had only
machine that connects the entire world.
permissions or requirements. The DRM
seen in the movies was realized before
is an affirmative measure that inspires
my eyes. As my daughter and her
the traditional copyright has lost its
a new construction of the Copyright
classmates marched into the field in
their regalia, the University President
and Dean initiated the ceremony.
pirated copies of the Korean summer
Indeed, acknowledging the academic
blockbuster ¡°Haeundae¡±, it is obvious
achievement of these young people and
that intellectual property infringement
blessing their bright future constituted a
problem makes a huge impact on our
society, and damages from pirating are
Recently, both the Korean and
American universities have become
the movie, the more likely movie buffs
extremely attentive to plagiarism. In
enjoy it through file-sharing sites. Such
most lectures, professors subscribe to
¡°Don¡¯t share your homework with
As a result, the disputes as to
copyright protection and filing sharing
¡°Always indicate where you got your
of copyrighted materials in P2P
service have been intensive. The most
Lawrence Lessig, Professor of the Stanford Law
controversial has been P2P service
School. Like his word, entering information-
oriented society, importance of copyright
One may wonder about the reason
provider¡¯s civil liability on copyright

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