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ProudHUFSan 11
a lesson from Germany¡¯s separation
divided country. ¡°Korea does not
being uploaded on the blog making
even have enough records to develop
it an effective tool to appeal to
further researches on the beginning
potential students. ¡°It is a history
are a bit different from each other,
of Korea¡¯s separation. I had to go to
marketing. High school students
Germany and the United States to
who are interested in HUFS will
unification is meaningful in a way
see if the culture of this school suits
as it approached to its goal very
need of the government¡¯s support in
them and they could really feel the
naturally, even bringing Europe
such research for the development
school¡¯s atmosphere. Pictures from
together. West Germany and East
of the nation. ¡°If we are able to get
56 years ago when the school was
Germany were able to watch the
more experts and resources that is
same television show, read the same
stacked in other nations, it will be
newspapers, and elders were able to
much easier for us to foresee where
choose which side they want to live
in. Willy Brandt suggests that we
Noh said that history talks about
However, his new project in HUFS
something or someone¡¯s origin and
is a fresh motivation for him. Last
even about the present. He began
year, he established Historical
studying history with this belief and
Archives of HUFS, a center for
it made him keep contributing to the
memory and culture, to record the
With the recent controversy over
North Korea¡¯s torpedoing a South
but it is more user-friendly and easy
¡°Students at HUFS have the
Korean ship and the stressful
to access. The blog is made for all
most suitable environment to
relationship between the two Koreas
HUFSans including the alumni, and
develop themselves to be experts
following it, Noh expressed his grief
potential students who are looking
in other countries and in making
over the
for practical information about
the school. ¡°There are
something to the students, languages
three key words that
do not exist by themselves- they
define this project:
represent a culture and a history.
memory, identity, and
When you study a language, also try
culture. Being able to
remember your past
is a drug in your life.
your language skills, you will have
It motivates you and
the competency to become an expert
it makes you strive for
on any aspect of that country,¡± said
the better. A bar in front
of school is just a bar.
With his know-how and deep
However, people share
insight, history becomes more
different memories there.
interesting and accessible. It is no
I want to provide a space
longer a passive observation of the
for those people to share
past but a tool to learn from the past
feelings and memories.
Let¡¯s call it a space to
share,¡± he said with a
Visit Historical Archives of
His research on tracing
HUFS ¡®http://hufsarchives.
JUNE 2010

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