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Youth Casti
News Desk
Changing the aim of the campaign,
however, was not the key to the smooth
path. ¡®Let¡¯s Gather Kkal-kkali¡¯ faced
several more obstacles. The biggest
difficulty was that veterans were not
really willing to donate their kkal-kkali
for others. Several donors admitted that
they wanted to keep their kkal-kkali
because it had all of their memories
during their military service. They
¡®Pureun Geotap¡¯ is a TVN drama that
shows the life of Korean soldiers in the
campaign became ¡°Add new memories
to Kkal-kkali¡± because it means that
donating is adding another memory
to your kkal-kkali. Another obstacle
National University, Dept. of Design)
money of sewing the cloth was too long
was that it was difficult to spread the
and Park Hye-young(Pusan National
and expensive. It was better to donate
campaign to others. Unlike other
University, Dept. of Communication).
money to the Cambodian children. ¡°We
university students¡¯ activities that are
thought it was the end of our project
sponsored by large companies, the team
elementary school in Cambodia. They
when we found this out. Everybody
had to ask and look for places where
saw with their eyes that Cambodian
felt depressed and lost their will to go
the members could stand and explain
children did not have school bags and
on and continue. However, we thought
about their activity. Interview requests
pencils at school, which made them
of the effort we put into this work and
to magazines, including ¡°Daehak Naeil¡±
recognize the need to improve the poor
why we gathered in the first place,¡±
were declined and some did not send
education condition for Cambodian
a reply. At the end, Kwon grasped the
children. Back in Korea, Kwon planned
missionary who was interested in ¡®Let¡¯s
opportunity to talk about the campaign
on making bags and pencil cases of the
Gather Kkal-kkali¡¯ gave them advice to
same design, keeping in mind a hint a
send the clothes in its whole condition
23.4¡± and at a lecture called ¡°Ignite
Cambodian teacher said to him. The
teacher said that children are sensitive
some research, Uttar Pradesh, a state
about getting presents with different
in northern India, was chosen to be the
designs, which was why kkal-kkali
caught his eye. Every Korean man who
finished their military service has this
the temperature drops from 28 degrees
light, thin and warm clothing. It could
be very useful, however, nobody ever
from November to February. ¡°Due to
considered the possibility of kkal-kkali
this large daily temperature difference,
unlike our image of India to be a hot
country, 135 people died of cold last
winter in this area. It is especially the
Unfortunately, the team had to change
elderly and homeless who suffer in the
¡ã Kwon O-yeob did a presentation about ¡®Let¡¯s
their plan of making bags and pencil
cold,¡± explained Kwon, for the reason
Gather Kkal-kkali¡¯ at a lecture called ¡®Busan
cases out of kkal-kkali. The time and
APRIL 2013

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