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Congratulatory Message
Hankuk University of
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Foreign Studies
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Hirotaka Tateishi
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President, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
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Ladies and Gentlemen
Students, which is a world-class center for Japanese language education, welcomes outstanding students
Good afternoon. First, I would like to congratulate
from around the world as students under Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho) Scholarships and
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you on the 60th anniversary of Hankuk University
develops them into global human resources who have mastery of Japanese language and culture.
of Foreign Studies, or HUFS. As president of
With the acceleration of globalization today, Japanese universities, like those in Korea, are at an important
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Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, I am deeply
crossroads and constantly need to continue to change and evolve. In academic year 2012, TUFS launched a
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honored to have been invited to this most grand
system of specialized education in 27 languages and 14 areas by reorganizing its Faculty of Foreign Studies
of occasions and to have the opportunity to say
and adding one new language and three new regions. We also started the Global Liberal Arts Program, a
a few words. As you know, Tokyo University of
curriculum unique to TUFS.
Foreign Studies, or TUFS, is a partner university
In addition, about 60 foreign languages can be studied on a secondary basis. Harnessing TUFS¡¯s fine
of HUFS. We are one of the oldest universities
history, we aim to build an educational framework that develops multilingual global citizens who have rich
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in Japan, tracing our origins back to the Institute
imagination and critical thinking skills as well as self-direction, initiative, and a spirit of challenge.
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for Research of Foreign Documents which
Since becoming president of TUFS last April, I have advocated the following as the core of TUFS
was established in 1857. The official year of
governance: ¡°Making TUFS a hub of dialogue and co-creation that open new horizons in the 21st century.¡±
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establishment of our university as a modern
For the future of TUFS, it is critical that all academic and administrative staff and students earnestly
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school organization is 1873 when Tokyo School
exchange ideas and urge each other to pursue the creative. At the same time, I would like to accelerate
of Foreign Languages was founded. After several
dialogue and co-creation with institutes of higher education and research around the world. Domestically,
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mergers and reorganizations, Tokyo School of
we have already formed cooperation agreements with various Japanese universities specializing in
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Foreign Languages was made into an independent
other fields and have initiated exchange in such fields as medicine, engineering, and agriculture. We have
state-run educational institution in 1899. We
reached an agreement for the formation of the Foreign Studies University Consortium of Japan from next
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started as the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
month. The Consortium will be composed of the seven national, public, and private universities in Japan
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in 1949 soon after the end of World War II. We
specializing in foreign studies, including TUFS. Making the most of the special features of each university,
celebrated our 140th anniversary last year.
we aim to raise the level of education and research in our field even more. Since becoming president, I have
In ¡°Grand Design for Tokyo University of
wanted to visit HUFS. Every year we enjoy a steady exchange of students, indeed evidence of the ties of
Foreign Studies,¡± TUFS commits to train people
friendship between our two universities. Moreover, your university joined the Consortium of Asian and
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who have high-level language skills and a deep
African Studies-an organization composed of TUFS and universities in the United States, Europe, and
understanding of the cultures and societies of
Singapore-in 2011 as the third representative of Asia. Recognizing the need for foreign language education
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various regions of the world and then to send them
and regional studies in today¡¯s global society, TUFS, HUFS, and Beijing Foreign Studies University
out to make their contribution to the world. The
launched the East Asia Foreign Studies University Consortium also in 2011, with an eye to developing
Institute for Research of Foreign Documents,
global human resources.
our predecessor mentioned earlier, was set up
With the installation of Dr. Kim In Chul as its new president, HUFS has taken another step toward its 100th
by the Tokugawa shogunate in the late Edo
anniversary. I would like to express my best wishes to you for ongoing growth and development, with
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period to conduct research and education on
the hope that our two universities will continue to walk hand in hand long into the future as fellow Asian
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Western learning and also to translate diplomatic
universities that share the same vision and have ¡°foreign studies¡± in their name. On March 11 this year,
documents. Since those days, TUFS has
Japan marked the third anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake. I regret to say that the stricken
consistently dedicated itself to training global
areas are still a long way from full reconstruction. In closing, I would like to take this opportunity on behalf
human resources and has produced graduates
of the universities of Japan, to express my sincere appreciation to HUFS and the people of Korea for their
who have contributed to the international arena as
support and many expressions of warm encouragement. Thank you.
diplomats, international organization personnel,
and businesspersons. Moreover, the TUFS
Japanese Language Center for International

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